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Cat's POV
Okay, now it's time to decide what to do for our super suits, it's 11:00, all the TMNT went to bed already, Hiro, Tadashi and I are in the lab, Tadashi is trying to help us come up with ideas, Hiro and I are spinning in our chairs. I stop spinning and I grab one of the tiny micro bots and I put on the head band to control it, I make the singular micro bot bend, then I start taking all the micro bots out with my mind making various figures.
"Uuuuggggghhhhhh I can't come up with anything! Stupid. Useless. Brain." I say with my head slammed on the desk. Tadashi spin my chair around so I was facing him.
"Hey, I'm not giving up on you., this project is what's gonna make you one of the best inventors of the world."
He grabbed my legs and pulled me upside down, then he started jumping around
(just like what he did with Hiro in the movie, I know it's the same thing, Tadashi is repetitive.)
"What are you doing?" I asked
"Use that big brain of yours to think of a solution, find a different angle."
"That's not gonna work, I- I GOT IT!"
Tadashi set me down
"Works every time." he said
"What's your idea?" Hiro asked
"the Micro bots!"
"Wait. You want your power to be the micro bots?"
"Yeah, we could program a neurocranial transmitter in my helmet."
Great. Now he thinks I'm stupid.
"Awesome! I thought you thought the idea was stupid."
"No! That's the most brilliant idea I've ever thought of! C'mon we gotta get to work."

Dream Come True (Big Hero 6 and TMNT Story) -SEQUEL OUT NOW-Where stories live. Discover now