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Cat's POV
Finally it's 4:00! Recess time!
Once I heard the bell ring I practically jumped out of my seat.
"Someone's exited." Hiro said
"Seriously, how long can a person go, wearing an awesome super suit, and not use it!!!" I said
"C'mon let's go up to the hut!" I said
"Okay! Okay!"
I switched on my wheels and just went around in circles once I got to the entrance of the mountain/hill, and they finally caught up!
"Took you guys long enough" I said
"Well we don't have electro magnetic suspension in our super suits." Leo said
"Yeah but you have plasma lasers, anyways, c'mon c'mon c'mon!" I said
We started going up the hill and I noticed that we sorta just ditched Tadashi.
"Tadashi! Come up here!" I shouted
"No thanks! I'll just stay here!"
I went back down and took his hand to practically drag him up the hill.
"Ta-da!!!!!" I said while gesturing to the hut we had made.
"What is this?" Tadashi asked
"It's a hut! We made it over the past few weeks." I explained
"Well it's really cool."
"I designed it!" I said proudly.
"Yeah but who do you think actually built it?" Raph said
"Bob the builder!" Jaden said
"Us!" Leo said
Sorry this chapter was short, I was just kinda burnt out on inspiration for this.
And I know I haven't updated on here for a while and I'm sorry! I've just been very very busy!
But I do have a lot planned!
I guess I always say that but I really do!

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