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Cat's POV
I was sitting in my living room, just being entertained with Jaden and Leo's argument.
"Doctor who is way better." Jaden said
"No, Space Heroes is!" Leo said
"At least Doctor who is a real show!"
"So is Space Heroes! Just not in this dimension!"
"Uh, are you guys forgetting the best show ever? Crognard the Barbarian!" Mikey said
They continued to argue, then I decided to speak up
"Okay guys, you're forgetting the obvious! All shows are great in their own way!"
"Yeah, I guess I can agree on that." Leo said
"Yeah, different shows are for different people." Jaden said
"Forgiving group hug!" Mikey shouted
After they had their "forgiving group hug", I said
"But I think we all know that if Big Hero 6 was a TV show, it would be the best."
"Thank you!" Hiro, who had been quiet the whole time, said
After that Hiro and I were talking about how cool it would be if Big Hero 6 was a TV show.
"Ya know what would be the stupidest and best pun ever?" I said
"What" Hiro said, without looking up from his phone.
"If someone were to say 'Ta da!...Shi!"
"You're a genius." Hiro said, looking up from his phone
"Why thank you!"
"We should use that sometime when Tadashi's in the room." He said while turning back to his phone.
"Why not now?!" I said excitedly
"I heard he's in the lab." Hiro said, looking up from his phone.
We both raced to the lab, and I pretended to do some modifications to Neo.
"Ta da!...Shi!"
Tadashi turned around from whatever he was working on and asked
"Did you just turn my name into a pun?"
"Yep, and we're never gonna stop using it." Hiro said
I was in the lab working on an anti virus for Baymax, and I was suddenly thirsty, and I really didn't want to get up to get a drink, I noticed Tadashi's lemonade from across the table, I took it and in mid sip Tadashi came in.
"You know how I feel about other people drinking my beverages." He said
I smirked and stopped sipping, but I still had the lemonade in my mouth
"Don't you dare"
I swished the drink around in my mouth a couple times, then paused
"You wouldn't..."
Aaaaaand I spit the lemonade back into the cup.
"Say goodbye to your Neo and our friendship."
But I knew he was kidding, because I saw him smile.
These are just some random playful/bonding things I thought up of.
Dat last one doe. XD

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