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Cat's POV
I ran back to the office, and hid in there, and shut all the doors, I don't care how much power it uses.
"I'm not giving up on you" a barley understandable voice said
I turned around and saw the Tadashi animatronic behind me, but he was more beat up then I had caused, also his eyes were black with a small white light.
At first I had I was scared, but I took a deep breath and said
"I shouldn't be afraid of you. And I'm not. Look, Tadashi, I don't know if you can hear me but...I love you. And not in like the sibling way, I mean I am really in love with you...and..."
I couldn't say anything else, I was just so shocked about Tadashi becoming an animatronic, and I meant every word, I just wish I could tell him that before all of this...
I hugged the animatronic with tears running down my cheeks, I don't care if it could kill me in seconds, but it was all I had left of Tadashi, it or he hugged me back, or at least with its remaining arm, the other one was cut off at the elbow, and cords and cables were sticking out.
I felt something light on my head, I pulled back from the hug and grabbed whatever was on my head to discover that it was Tadashi's baseball cap.
Before I could do anything else, the clock struck 6, and everything started fading to black, as everything was seemingly creating distance, I was screaming "no" because I losing what I had left of Tadashi, and the baseball cap was slowly fading away in my hands until it disappeared in thin air.
After everything went completely black, I opened my eyes, to find myself back in my bedroom. I got up immediately, and ran to the living room, the TMNT, Jaden, Hiro, and Tadashi were already in there, discussing what happened.
I ran up to Tadashi as fast as I could and hugged him.
"So did you survive your 6th night?" Tadashi asked
"Um, yeah, barely. So um, what happened to you guys?" I asked
"Everything just went black once some animatronics grabbed us, and there was just the Game Over screen." Jaden explained
"Oh, well I'm glad you're all okay."
"Yeah, but it's..6:03, and I'm tired." Mikey said, rubbing his eyes
"Yeah, we're going to bed" Hiro said, already walking over to his bedroom, eventually everyone except for Tadashi and I, so we were left alone
"Um, so did you like, hear anything, once you like, ''died''?" I asked
"Well I did hear some faint talking, but I couldn't tell what was being said, the person talking actually kinda sounded like you" Tadashi said
"Hehe, yeah...weird..."
"Anyways, we should probably get some sleep."
We walked over to where the bed rooms are, but before we could go our separate ways, I said
"Um, wait."
"Whatcha need?"
"Um, well...I'm still sorta freaked out about the whole five nights at Freddy's becoming a reality thing, so could you sleep with me for tonight? I just wanna make sure you're alright".
"Yeah, of course"
We both walked into my room, and later fell asleep in each others arms.
(Btw the media pic is what they looked like when they fell asleep)
But wow I'm really pushing the Cadashi thing

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