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Cat's POV
I was in the living room, just talking with the TMNT
"So when do you guys think you're gonna go back to New York, Ya know, in your dimension." I said
"I dunno, soon probably, Bob said the bug should be fixed around now." Leo said
"Wait, if we're here, wouldn't there be like no one to take our spot in our dimension?" Donnie said
"Well I asked Bob, and he said that there're clones of you gust taking your place, but they'll disappear once you guys get back" I said
"Awesome! I have a clone!" Mikey shouted
"That you'll never meet or see" Raph said
"So? I can dream about my clone.
My phone started ringing
"Hang on a sec" I said then answered my phone
"Is this Cat?" Bob asked
"Um, yeah"
"Okay, look, I think I got the dream machine to work."
"Dream machine? Okay did I miss something?"
"It's what allows you to go to different dimensions through your dreams"
"Ohhhh. Okay. Well what about it?"
"I got it to work so your turtle friends can go back to New York"
"What!? They can go back? This is great! I'll go tell them!"
"Alright, I'll be opening up a portal in a minute, but I can only keep it open for a few minuets"
"Okay, bye,"
I hung up the phone and said
"Guys! Guess what? You can go back to New York!"
"What?" Raph asked in disbelief
"Yes! I can go back to glorious New York pizza!" Mikey shouted
"We can go see master Splinter again!" Leo said
"And April too!" Donnie said
Suddenly the portal opened up
"Now all you guys have to do, is go in the portal, and you'll be back in the lair!" I said
"But, we might not see you and Jaden again," Mikey said sadly
"I never thought of that..."
"Well I guess this is goodbye." Leo said
"Okay, well see ya later, Mike-Star" I told Mikey, he always liked that name
"Bye Raph make sure to feed Spike"
"Bye Donnie, and here, I little something to remember me by" I said then kissed him.
"Bye Leo, I think I'll miss you the most" I said then hugged him tightly
"Well we'll keep in touch, you still have your T-Phone, right?"
"Yeah, I have it in my room for safe keeping"
He held his hand out for a handshake, but I hugged him agin instead
"Aw, now you guys are gonna make me cry" I said, wiping a tear away from my eye
Jaden, who I didn't even notice was on her phone and just hung it up, said
"Omg guys! Bob said that I can visit you gust though my dreams now!"
"Really? Well we'll see you tonight!" Mikey said
"But Bob said that the portal will close any second now." She added
"Oh...well bye you guys" Leo said
Then they all jumped into the portal before I could say bye again.
It seems empty and quiet here without them...
I walked into the living room and Jaden was already in there
"Hey Cat! The turtles say hi and that they already miss you." She said
"Yeah, tell them I miss them a lot as well" I said
"Well like master Spliter says, we must accept the hand that the universe has dealt us."
"Exactly. Now how about we have a sleepover tonight?" I suggested
Jaden, Hiro, Tadashi, even Baymax, and I were laying on the ground in the living room which we had adorned with blankets and mattresses and pillows.
I had one of those star orbs that you put on the ground and then they reflect stars everywhere.
And then golden sand was sprinkling everywhere as if sandman for Rise of the Guardians had come here...

Dream Come True (Big Hero 6 and TMNT Story) -SEQUEL OUT NOW-Where stories live. Discover now