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Cat's POV
Today is the day of the microbot presentation at SFIT, the real one.
It went pretty well, certainly not bad, but it could've gone better.
I was outside the showcase hall, just talking with Fred about some comics. His butler got here so he had to go.
I was just messing around with some micro bots after that.
I heard some screams coming from the hall.
I know that sound too well.
I looked around the corner, and I saw Tadashi running into the building.
I am not just gonna stand here, I have to do something.
I ran after him, using the microbots almost as a wave to go faster.
I guess the gang had seen me run towards the building, because they held me back
"Let go!" I said, then used the microbots to push them back, then I ran into the burning building.
I looked around and I saw no one, I went further in and I saw Professor Callaghan in a corner.
"Professor Callaghan! Come with me, I know the way out!" I said, holding my hand out
"Give me that" He said then took my ear piece that controlled the microbots.
"But I need that! To save Tadashi!" I said
"Not as much as I need it to find Abigail"
I guess if Big Hero 6 were to have a sequel, it would be that after Callaghan got out of prison, he couldn't find or track down his daughter, Abigail Callaghan.
I figured I was getting no where with Callaghan, so I ran off to find Tadashi.
I found Tadashi in another room, looking around the place for Callaghan.
"Cat! What are you doing in here?"
"Oh well I just decided to drop by" I said sarcastically.
"Well do you know where Professor Callaghan is?"
"He has the micro bots, he'll be fine. We just need to get out of here! There's an exit over-"
A huge tower thing fell over and blocked the exit.
"There..." I said
"I think there's another way out, c'mon!" Tadashi said then led me to a different area, and there was a door that was slightly open, and I could see some trees behind it.
"Over there!" I said
We ran closer to the door, but another supporting tower thing started to fall
"It's now or never" Tadashi said, then we ran as fast as we could to the exit.
Luckily we made it out alive, but once we got out, there was a huge explosion that knocked me about 5 feet forward, then everything went black.
So btw do you guys want me to do a interview chapter with Cat and Jaden? Just an idea I had, but if I were to have the interviews, they would count as the chapter for the day, so it would take 2-4 days till the next real chapter once I do them, but it's your guys' pick.

Dream Come True (Big Hero 6 and TMNT Story) -SEQUEL OUT NOW-Where stories live. Discover now