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IN OUR DIMENSION (I'll be doing this now so you guys won't get confused on where I am.)
I got ready for the day and I was another Monday, uuuuuuugggggghhhhh why can't Monday's be Friday's?
Once I had all my school stuff ready I sat down on the couch and went on Wattpad to update my story, My Favorite Mutant. (ADVERTISEMENT THIS IS ACTUALLY ONE OF MY BOOK PLS READ IT)
It was 1:00 (I go to a half day school, schools in Mexico are like that 😒)
So I grabbed my backpack and exited my apartment (like literally my apartment, my parents own it) I went to my parents hardware store in front my apartment, I said bye to them and I walked to school, luckily my school is at the walking distance so I got there in 5 minuets.
I walked on the side walk and I heard tons of people commenting with their friends about my clothes, I was wearing a foot clan shirt with a Donnie hoodie (without the mask that comes with it)
Most of the comments were "Mira la ropa de la niña (look at that girls clothes)" (im in Mexico, of course people here speak spanish) and "no que debe saber como vestir como una mujer (doesn't she know how to dress like a lady?)"
I get that everyday, but I'm used to it, no one here knows what TMNT is so it's a little expected.
I finally got to school and I saw my popular bestie, Odeth, in the entrance with her cousin.
I walked past her like i always do, we usually just say hi once we're in our class room.
I walked over to the class room, I sat down and checked my T-phone, that's right, Donnie made me a T-phone, well I helped him, but he did most of the work. There were several texts form Donnie actually, I don't know why he was up at this hour, because for him it was 1:05 am. They were actually sent only 2 minuets ago.
Donnie: Hi 😄
Me: Hi! Aren't you supposed to be asleep?
Donnie: I'm sort of in the lab right now
Me: DONNIE!!! I told you not to be working in the lab at this hour!😡
Donnie: Sorry. 😅
Me: It's alright, just promise me that tomorrow you'll go to bed.
Donnie: Promise
Me:So what are you doing right now?
Donnie: just finishing up one of the upgrades.
Me: Awesome! What upgrade is next?
Donnie: The hacking software
Me: Oh yeah, I can help you if you want, one of my old friends, Aaron, showed me some stuff.
Donnie: Sure!

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