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Cat's POV
We went into the house and right away Jaden asked
"Soooo, now are you gonna introduce me to your friends?"
"Um, yeah, but you have to promise to not tell anyone." I said
"Ok, cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."
"Okay...well they're actually the TMNT, and they are Hiro, Tadashi, and Baymax is downstairs."
"Wait so they..."
"And they..."
"Without a doubt"
"And you?"
"Just get to the point!" Raph interrupted
I don't know how to spell it, but let's just say, Jaden was fangirling her head off.
"Kay, Jaden, calm down."
"Kay Kay, but how did they get here?"
"Oh, um, they just appeared in my living room."
I was not gonna go into detail.
THE NEXT DAY AFTER JADEN EXPLODES OF QUESTIONS TO ASK THE TMNT AND BH6 (not literally, but she did ask a lot of questions.)
It's Monday, but my teacher let us have the day off so Jaden could get ready for school, but then I realized something, we need to make her a super suit.
Jaden was playing video games with Mikey, she never really was around Hiro or Tadashi, but she was already like homies with Baymax.
I guess she has always loved TMNT more than BH6. Oh well.
"Hey Jaden, what were you to say, if I were to tell you that we can, and have to make you a super suit?" I asked
"I would say, make it like Honey Lemons, and have it white and blue, and have it so that I have like rockets in my hands and feet!" She said
"Thank you!"
I rushed down to the lab and I told Hiro what Jaden wanted for her super suit, I quickly designed it, and Hiro designed how the rockets would work.
When we were in the middle of working on it, Jaden burst through the door.
"I just realized something." She said
"What did you realize?" I asked, without taking my eyes off of the computer
"How long did it take you to figure that out, Sherlock." I said
"Mikey told me about the ones that you made them, so I figured-"
"Yeah, we get it, I don't mean to be rude, but if you could leave, that would be great, cuz the sooner we have less distractions, the sooner we'll have your super suit done."
"Kk!" She shouted running up the stairs.
Thank you everyone that has voted, commented, read, and added this story to your library!!!!!

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