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Cat's POV

"NOOOOO!!!" I said, reading an article I found on facebook

"What?" Donnie asked

"The beach we're going to, all the pools and entrances are closed due to an oil leakage, and the town is running out of water, so they only have drinking water and such."

"Psh, you're just bummed out cause you wanted to see Tadashi without a shirt on" Jaden said with a smirk

"What?! No! I'm bummed cause I don't get to go swimming!"


"Okay, if you want anything to eat, pick it up at this convenience store because we're not stopping for another few hours." My dad said

"Nachos!!!" I said, jumping out of the truck


I got back with a bag of nachos from the convenience store we stopped at, about tow minuets later Tadashi grabbed a nacho while I wasn't looking.

"Hey! My nacho! You should've gotten your own when we stopped at the store!" I said

All he did was take another one.

"Fine! Everyone can help them selfs to my nachos!" I said, putting the bag int he middle of all of us.

In seconds all every nacho was devoured.

"I hate you guys."

Dream Come True (Big Hero 6 and TMNT Story) -SEQUEL OUT NOW-Where stories live. Discover now