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Cat's POV
I had finished my project at the last minute, and we were taking it to the showcase.
I didn't say a word while we were walking into the building, I was too worried and nervous that I was gonna not only not get in, but I was going to humiliate myself.
"Cat? Hello? Earth to Cat!" Hiro said, waving his hand in my face.
"What!? Oh...I-I'm just a bit nervous, sorry if I zoned out." I said
"Don't be nervous, your idea is great." Tadashi said
"Great isn't enough! I need it to be awesome! Revolutionary! I'm never gonna get into this school!"
"Catalina Martinez to the stage." An announcer said
"You're up." Tadashi said
"Don't worry, you're gonna do fine." Tadashi said
"O-Ok." I said, walking up to the stage with my project and a microphone.
"H-Hello, I'm C-Catalina Martinez, a-and this is my project, Neo, activate." I said, and the blue and black metal box transformed into a very realistic white tiger cub robot with light blue eyes appeared.
There were only like 10 people watching, but now there's 9.
"This is Neo. When he's in cub mode, he only follows you around if you have this wrist band." I said, holding up a light blue simple wrist band around half an inch wide.
"And now, he doesn't seem like much, but when I say 'Neo transform' he goes into defense mode." Then Neo transformed into a full adult white tiger, with a more scary look.
"And when I say 'Help' he does this." Then Neo had much longer and sharper teeth and claws, and he grew even larger, and his light blue eyes were now blood red.
"Neo can attack anything that seems to be attacking me, as long as I'm wearing this wrist band, the wrist band also has special DNA verification programming, just to make sure it's me. Anyways, Neo can even kill anything, except for endangered species or human beings, instead he has a special needle in a few of his front paws, so then that animal or person will be injected with a special medication that makes them go unconscious for around 12 hours."
By now there where around 50 people watching.
"Here is a demonstration with a stuffed animal of a lion, and yes, Neo is allowed to kill, or in other words destroy anything that isn't actually alive as well."
There was a string that had a huge, realistic stuffed animal of a lion, and it was dragged over to me, and then Neo instantly leaped for it before I couldn't even say 'help' again.
Neo obliterated it completely, and then I said
"If you want Neo to go back to cub mode, you just have to say 'Cub mode, activate'" Then Neo went back into his original cub mode.
"And when you wish to deactivate Neo completely, you just have to say 'I am satisfied with my care'"
And then Neo transformed into a metal box with wheels and a handle.
After that everyone was clapping and I went down with Neo.
"You did great!" Tadashi said
"Yeah, I guess but there are tons of other projects that are great, and they probably have as much of a chance as I do, and probably even more, and mines just another one in the crowd, and no one is going to think it stands out, and my project was probably barley even noticed and-" I said but then was cut off because Professor Callaghan came up to me and said
"Catalina Martinez?"
"P-Professor Callaghan, um, did you see the presentation?"
"Yes, your work is extraordinary, and you made it yourself?"
"Yes sir."
"Well I'm very impressed, almost as impressed as I was when Hiro displayed his micro bots, your work is much better than most of the projects here. But,"
That's it. It's over. I'm not going to be accepted into the university, and I never will. And I'm just gonna end up living in a small shack with tons cats, no wait, puppies, yeah, puppies, because puppies are much more fun to be around. And wait, what was I thinking about? Oh yeah, IM NEVER GONNA STUDY HERE.
"A mind like yours shouldn't stay out side of this institute, welcome to San Fransokyo Institute of technology." Pro. Callaghan said, handing me a registration letter, then walked away to go see the other inventions.
I had taken the letter, but after that I just stood there frozen with a blank/shocked expression on my face.
"Cat-" Tadashi said but then I cut him off
"I GOT IN!!!!" I shouted, turning around to face them.
"Yeah! That's awesome! But people are staring." Hiro said
"WHO CARES I GOT IN!!!" I said jumping up and down.
We went outside and Cass shouted "Dinner at my place!"
Everyone went ahead except for Tadashi and I.
"I'm really proud of you." He said
"Thank you." I said hugging him
"For what?"
"For convincing me to enter the showcase, if it weren't for you, none of this would've happened, actually, don't tell anyone, but you're the reason I wanted to start studying robotics in the first place."
"Really? Well actually I wanna thank you too."
"For what?"
"Well, don't tell anyone, but I actually used you as a role model for Hiro when he was younger,"
"Wow, how long has my life been a book here?"
"For around a decade."
"That's crazy."
"We should get back to the cafè"
That night I had the most delicious supper I've ever had in my life.
Right now, life is perfect.
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But I'm still probably gonna keep on updating today, so I can put in a Valentine's Day chappy, and if I don't today, I probably will tomorrow or the day after that.

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