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The day was finally over and luckily no one mentioned TMNT, I couldn't wait to see the turtles!!!
I went to sleep and I woke up in Leo's bed, I felt really bad that I was hogging up his whole room, and I didn't even know where he was sleeping!
I got up and my leg didn't hurt! I checked it and it still had the bandages on it.
I went over to the kitchen and I saw Leo, Donnie, Raph, and Mikey but the kitchen was in chaos!!!
The toaster was on fire and Leo was trying to put it out.
Ice cream kitty was on top of the fridge and Mikey and Donnie were trying to get her down, and Raph was trying to catch all of the cups and plates that were falling out of the cupboard.
I got an idea, and I grabbed a couple of the cups on the ground and I filled them up with water, I put out the fire with them then.
Then I shut all of the cupboards quickly and picked all of the cups, and plates that were on the ground.
I took a match and I lit it and I reached up by the freezer, and ice cream kitty jumped into Mikey's arms.
"Thanks Cat!"Donnie said
"Who's she?" Raph asked
"Guys, this is Cat. She got shot in the leg by one of the Krangg's lasers so we had to bring her here, remember?" Leo said
"Hi! I'm Michelangelo, but everyone calls me Mikey!"
"Hi, Mikey."
"And that's Raph, he's the grumpy and ugly one, you can also call him Raphie!" Mikey said
"Never call me that, just call me Raph, and forget what Mikey said, he's got...issues." Raph said to me.
The tone used probably would've scared anyone else, but not me.
"Ok then, Raphie!" I said with a smirk on my face
"I told you not to call me that!"
"Yes you did, but it doesn't mean that I have to do it."

Dream Come True (Big Hero 6 and TMNT Story) -SEQUEL OUT NOW-Where stories live. Discover now