0.1 (Extended)

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Name. Cat.
Age. 14.
Born. New York.
Currently Living. Mexico.
Speaks (Language). Primarily English, fluently Spanish, fluently Japanese, a little French.
Fave Movie. BIG HERO SIX.
Fave turtle. Leonardo.
Fave character in Big Hero 6. Tadashi and Hiro (she can't choose just one!)
BFFs. Odeth and Jaden.
Enemies. Galilea.
Cat's POV
It was midnight, I couldn't fall asleep, I couldn't stop thinking about the teenage mutant ninja turtles, Leo, Raph, Donnie, and Mikey. I flipped over to the other side of my bed and I saw my TMNT collection of plushies from Build-a-bear workshop, Leo, Raph, Donnie, Mikey, and even shredder, i had them in a fighting position with all of their weapons, I sighed and closed my eyes, thinking "Only if..." Then something crazy happened.
There was a bright light and I found myself in a white room, seemingly endless.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Am I dead?" I said in a quieter voice to myself.
"You're not dead." A voice said.
I saw a guy, short, and wa swearing casual clothes, and flying in midair, wait, FLYING IN MID AIR!!!
"AAAHHH!!!" I shouted while back away from him.
"Don't worry I'm not gonna hurt ya" he said
"W-who a-are you!?"
"I'm bob, a fairy." He said.
"Fairy?" I bursted onto laughter "sorry, but you don't look like a fairy."
"I may not look like your stereotypical fairy, but I do look like a real fairy cuz I am one."
"Okay... Well what's happening?"
"Once every decade some elite fairies choose 1 person every 10 years and you missy just got chosen."
"For what?"
"I was getting to that, if a certain person wishes for something so much, they can get elected to have their dream come true, and since it was in between you and a couple kids that which that unicorns existed, you got your wish, in which case is to me-"
"Yes, but us fairies can only let those who are chosen, to have their dreams come true in their actual dreams, so every night when you go to sleep, you'll be in the ninja turtles' dimension."
"Awesome! But what if I can't go to sleep if I'm too exited?"
"You have the ability to fall asleep at will, but the time is exactly the opposite in the turtles' dimension."
"So if I go to sleep at 10pm?
"You'll awake there at 10am."
"Well it's like midnight, when am I going there?"
He snapped him fingers and I think I fainted, but then I was back to normal when he said
"And if you need to ask me any dream related questions, I'm in your contacts."
i checked my phone and he was right there.
"Now you go!" He said then snapped his fingers again.
Then I fainted.

Dream Come True (Big Hero 6 and TMNT Story) -SEQUEL OUT NOW-Where stories live. Discover now