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I shoot out of my bed, ugh I hate it when bob does that without warning! I ran into the living room and I saw Hiro, Tadashi, and Baymax looking around.
"Cat! Where are we?" Hiro asked
"Um, in my house."
We were all sitting on the couch just talking about like robotics, then Donnie and Mikey came in.
"Cat, who's are they?" Donnie asked
But before I could say anything, Mikey blurted out
"Um, well, you guys know about that movie I really like, Big Hero 6?"
"Yeah, you won't shut up about it, especially about that Hiro kid." Raph said while entering
"Shush Up!" I whisper-shouted
"Anyways, for them we are sort of a famous book, and comic-"
"I was saying, they sorta, um, wished that they could meet us, sorta like what happened with me towards you guys."
"AWESOME!!!!" Mikey shouted
He was about to literally jump on them, but then I blocked him.
"Mikey!" Leo shouted as he entered, "wait who are they?"
Donnie explained everything to Leo
"Okay, I think I understand, hey, since when are there stairs there?" Leo asked
"Oh yeah! The lab!" I exclaimed
"You have a lab?" Donnie asked
"Uh, it's complicated, come on let's go check it out!" I ran towards the stairs, and Hiro and Tadashi followed after me.
When I opened the slide door, it was exactly like the lab in the movie, it has a few additional things in it, Bob probably put them there.
"This is freaky" Hiro said
"It looks just like our lab" Tadashi said
"We looked around, and Donnie was asking where they kept the chemicals, but for the millionth time I told him that they study robotics! Ugh for some reason Donnie is getting on my nerves.

Dream Come True (Big Hero 6 and TMNT Story) -SEQUEL OUT NOW-Where stories live. Discover now