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"Well cool!" Leo said
"How's your wound?" Donnie asked
"My what? OWWWW!!!!" I had just noticed it since Donnie brought it up.
"If guessing it hurts." Donnie said
"ya think?!"
"Wow she's sounding like Raph" Leo said
I was gonna say "Hey!" In offense but I had to pretend like I had no idea who Raph was.
"Who's Raph?"
"He's one of our brothers, I'm Leonardo by the way, but everyone calls me Leo."
"Oh, ok."
"And I'm Donatello but you can refer to me as Donnie."
"Ok then."
I didn't even realize that Donnie was inspecting my wound, I looked at it, and it was half the size of my palm!
Donnie wrapped it up then.
"What's your name?" He asked
"Catalina, but just call me Cat."
"Pretty name Cat." Leo said
That made me blush so much, I have to admit, I used to have a pretty big crush on Leo when I was 12.
"Oh, well thank you." I said.
"Can you walk?" Donnie asked
"Let's see." I said
I got up and stepped on my right foot first, then my left.
"You should stay here for a while before you go anywhere."
I was already SOOO bored after they left, then Leo came back with a bunch of discs.
"Do you like space heroes?" He asked
"Awesome! No one here likes it! wanna watch the new movie?"
to be honest I didnt really know anything about space heroes, since to me it was just a cartoon in a cartoon, but it did seem pretty cool from what I've seen of it.
After 5 minuets I was totally hooked.
We were both silent through the whole movie besides our reactions, it wasn't like I didn't want to talk, but I was to concentrated on the movie to say any thing.

Dream Come True (Big Hero 6 and TMNT Story) -SEQUEL OUT NOW-Where stories live. Discover now