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IN DIMENSION X (Jk this is actually just in the lair XD)
I woke up with a big smile on my face, I went over to the kitchen and I saw Leo and Raph there eating pancakes
"Hi guys!" I said
"Hey Cat" Raph said
"So where's the others?"
"Mikey's in the living room and Donnie's in the lab" Leo said
"Ok thank you!" I said while exiting the living room
"Wait! Don't you want something to eat?" Raph asked
"No thanks!" I said
I went over to the lab and I saw Donnie doing something on the computer, he didn't seem to noticed me so I snuck around him and hugged him from behind
"Hi Donnie!" I said
"Hi Cat, why the hug?"
"What? I can't hug my friend for being awesome?"
"Thanks Cat, right now I'm working on the hacking software."
"Cool, can I help?"
"Of course!"
I helped Donnie with the program and we finished 2 hours later
I got up and went over to the living room
"Where are you going?" Donnie asked
"Well I promised Mikey I would play video games."
I went over to the living room and I saw Mikey playing Mario kart
"Got another controller?" I asked
"Sure!" Mikey said without turning away from the screen.
I played video games with Mikey for a couple hours then Loe came in and said
"Mikey, it's time to train."
"Sorry Cat!" Mikey got up and ran to the dojo
"Cat, do you wanna watch?"
I got up and followed Leo to the dojo, Master Splinter came in and motioned me to sit down in front of the tree.
Leo went against Raph, and Raph won, Leo sat to my right, then Raph went up against Mikey and Raph won again, Mikey was seated to my left
"Hi Cat!" Mikey whispered and waved
"Hi Mikey!" I whispered and I waved back.
Donnie was against Raph, and Raph seemed to be wining so I said
"Go Donnie! You can do it!"
Donnie smiled then he actually beat Raph.
"Yame!" Master Splinter said
Training was over and Mikey went back to his video games, and Leo went to his room with some Space Heroes tapes
"Thanks for helping me back there" Donnie said
"You did all the work, all I did was talk" I said
"But you gave me the confidence to beat Raph."
"Well maybe next time you'll already have the confidence and next time you won't need my help." I said mimicking what he had told me earlier
"That would be great."

Dream Come True (Big Hero 6 and TMNT Story) -SEQUEL OUT NOW-Where stories live. Discover now