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Great, since I fell asleep at 3 in the morning I woke up at 3 in the afternoon, luckily it was a Saturday, the day passed and I went back to sleep to visit the turtles.
I woke up in the living room and I checked my phone to see what time it was, and remembered that I took a pic of what happened last night.
First I checked the time and it was 9:00, my parents were surprised that I wanted to go to sleep so early, but to the turtles I was waking up late.
Then I went on to my photos and I saw a different picture instead of the of I took.
It was a screenshot of my notes, and Donnie left a message:
To: Cat
From: Donnie
Thanks for getting me to go to sleep you're a really good friend, by the time you're reading this I'll be in the lab working on Metal Head, come in anytime you like
I deleted the picture by the way.
P.S. Leo says thanks for letting him sleep in his room.

The picture was deleted, oh well. I went over to the lab and I saw Donnie working on Metal Head as usual, and I helped him with it, as usual, then someone came in, aka one of my least favorite characters in TMNT.
April O'neil.
Now you're probably asking why I don't like April.
Well she seems really nice actually but she is so mean to Donnie!
Well not in that way mean but like teasing him, you know what I'm talking about.
Her constant kisses on the check, and hanging out with Donnie, and I'm pretty sure she does know that he likes her, but what does she do about it? Nothing!
"Hey Donnie, who's this?" She asked
"April! This is Cat! Cat, this is April, we rescued her from the Krangg a while back."
"Hi Cat!" She said
"Hi" I said with a half fake half real smile.
"So what are you guys working on?" She asked
"We're just upgrading the software and fighting abilities of Metal Head" Donnie and I said at the same time.
"Woah, you too have like the same brain." She said
"No, you're mistaken, Donnie's way smarter than me." I said
"Well you almost saved me before I connected those two wires." He said
"What?" She asked
"Well when I came in Donnie was connecting these two wires, and I tried telling him not to but I was too late."
"And it blew up in our faces." Donnie finished.
"So you know how to make robots and stuff?" April asked
"It's called robotics, and I've studied it for three years."
"Cool!" She said
We all talked for a bit and the only thing that April did that annoyed me, was the robot stuff-robotics thing.
For those who want to see "Bob" in here again he'll be in the next chapter!!!😆

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