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Cat's POV
I woke up in Hiro's swirly chair that he has by his office/working station, I saw Hiro-no wait, I heard him snoring from his bed, and it was already 11, so being the kind person I am, I woke him up.
First I tried tapping his shoulder and whispering his name a couple times, but that didn't work, so I took one of his pillows and slammed it on his head, and then shouted his name into his ear.
Then he shouted "ahhhh!" and fell off his bed.
Tadashi burst through the door, with half of his hair with gel in it, he asked
"What happened?"
"Cat woke me up by pelting me with my pillow, then screaming in my ear."
"No, I creatively woke you from your slumber."
I realized that it was Sunday, and I start work at the cafè at 12:00. ITS 11:00.
"I gotta get ready for the day so I'm not late to work," I said, getting out of my chair.
"What? but it's 11, you don't start work until 12." Hiro said
"Yes, but unlike some people I comb my hair." I said, referring to Hiro.
"But my hair looks just fine how it is in the morning!"
"Whatever. see Ya in a bit, gel head." I said to Tadashi, passing him
"Do you think hair like this just happens?"
"And I love you too!" I said, turning around, pointing at him, walking backwards, but then turning around to go down stairs.
Ahhhh! It's 11:56!
Okay, I don't need to be exactly on time, but I prefer to be!
I'm still drying my hair, and it was taking forever!!!
Well in this time I might as well explain the working hours.
I work from 12 to 4
Tadashi works 12 to 4 as well
And Hiro works 3 to 5, because Cass doesn't really trust him working longer then that.
I rushed downstairs, and luckily I was 1 minuet early, I already saw Tadashi attending to some customers, so I went over to the kitchen to make sure there weren't any "abandoned cakes" or anything like that in the ovens, then I checked the stock in the pantries.
For the next 4 hours all I pretty much did was
1) bake cupcakes
2) attend to customers
3) check the stock
4) Play stupid competitive games with Tadashi, like seeing who can get more tips, and stuff like that.
But around 2 Hiro came in excitedly and said
"Guess what?"
"What?" Tadashi asked
"There's gonna be a special showcase next week, and some of the Professors at SFIT want me to display my micro bots again!"
"Really! That's awesome!" I said
"Wait, you didn't let me finish, they said that you could help to!" Hiro said
"What? me?" I asked, confused
"Yeah, because you know how to control them really well."
"Oh, well thank you. And yeah, I'll help you with the showcase."
This job is like the best job ever.
1) so many pastries!
2) Cass actually lets me have 2 free pastries daily.
3) I get to work with by best friend
4) I get payed 8 bucks an hour
5) I get to do one of my fave things to do: cooking!
Right now I wish everyone had my life, because my life is perfect.
But I guess then things would get boring.
But the point is MY LIFE IS GREAT.
Moral of this book: no matter how suckish or great your life is, you can always make it better by using your imagination.
Did you know that Pro. Callaghan was the last person Tadashi saw before being burned to death?
🎶The more you know🎶
Oh my god.

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