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Cat's POV
Oh wait...it's Hiro's pick...
He always picks horror movies, and he doesn't even like them!
But I can't leave the room when we watch it because there's a stupid rule that no one can skip out on a movie night, except if it's for school.
"So what movie are we watching?" I asked nervously.
"You'll see." Hiro said, smirking.
The TV turned on and it showed the menu screen.
"Ahhhh!" I shouted, and him into Tadashi's arm.
"What?" Tadashi asked.
"I-It's the movie! Hiro put in 'the bloodie'!" I said.
"Yeah, it's the scariest, most suspense filled movie ever!" Hiro said excitedly.
"And it's also the creepiest, most jumpscare filled movie ever." I added.
"Give me your hat." I told Tadashi.
"Just give me it."
He handed me his hat and I put it on, but slanted it done so I couldn't see the screen for the next jumpscare, but I did see enough where I noticed that Tadashi flipped the popcorn bowl. He took his hat back and put it on the same way I did.
After that we were practically fighting for the hat.
I got up, but then Hiro said
"Hey! You have to watch the movie!"
"Then pause it! I'll be right back!"
I came downstairs later with a blanket and covered myself with it.
But of course Tadashi wanted to use the blanket too, after fighting for it, Baymax suggested
"Maybe you should share the blanket."
I noticed that the blanket was still folded, so I unfolded it and it was double in size.
Tadashi and I shared the blanket and before we knew it we were asleep!
Hiro's POV (autocorrect wanted me to write "poverty" XD)
After the movie finished I was gonna go straight up to my room, but aunt Cass stopped me.
"What?" I asked
She pulled up two black markers and pointed at Cat and Tadashi.
Cat's POV
I woke up, and I realized I was snuggled up next to Tadashi
(A/N- Everyone that read ^that ^: DAWWWWWW!!!!!!!!)
I noticed that Tadashi hair was an absolute mess, like Hiro hair mess, so I told him and he said
"So is yours."
We got up and went over to the bathroom to fix our hair, but on my forehead someone wrote: I love him but I'm too afraid to admit it.
And there was an arrow pointing to Tadashi.
And then on Tadashi's forehead there was: I love her but I'm too afraid to admit it.
And there was an arrow pointed to me.
"Wait, this is Hiro and Cass's handwriting!" I said
"Hiro is dead meat." Tadashi said angrily
We washed it off quickly and went downstairs to rat out Hiro and Cass.
And I'll leave the rest of the day up to your imagination.
Why not comment what you think happened after that?

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