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Cat's POV
I was down in the lab with Tadashi, showing him how to play Minecraft.
"Why won't the tree break?" He asked, repeatedly clicking the mouse, when you obviously have to hold it down.
"You have to hold down the mouse!" I said, then was about the third time that's happened.
"Oh," he said, finally getting it to work "so how to I get that red stone stuff so I can make some robots on here?"
"You have to mine those, you'll get them soon, but they're around lava level so you gotta be careful, hopefully you won't be as much as a noob as I think you will. And please don't make that noob tube sword, just use an iron or even just a stone one!"
"English please?"
"Just keep on collecting wood."
Jaden came in, she seemed to be looking for something.
"Hey Jaden, whacha need?" I asked
"Oh, I just need a pair of scissors" she glanced over at Tadashi and I, he was still focused on the game, and I was turned around, facing Jaden.
"Ugh, never mind" she said, clearly annoyed, then went back upstairs.
"Um, you wait right here, I'm gonna go see what's up with Jaden" I said
"Mhm," Tadashi hummed back, I'm pretty sure he was scanning a pig.
As I was leaving the lab, I heard Tadashi ask
"Is there gonna be blood if I kill this thing?"
"Just kill it! You're gonna die of health if you don't." I shouted back
"So what's up with you?" I asked Jaden
"C'mon just tell me already!"
"Okay, but don't kill me or freak out, okay?"
"Well I'm pretty pissed off at Tadashi right now,"
"What!? Why!?"
"Well you know when a person like acts like they don't like you? Like they ignore you, and don't even say hi."
"Um, yeah. I guess"
"Well it sorta feels like he's doing that to me."
"What!? Nonononono. I know Tadashi, he would never do that on purpose."
"Okay, well what do you suggest we do to fix this?"
"...just give me some time to think"
"okay Tadashi, this is going to be your first multiplayer world you're gonna. Be playing on, okay?" I said, dragging Tadashi up the stairs.
"Yeah I got it. I've gotten really good at the game!
When I got downstairs back to the lab, I noticed that Tadashi had died (NOT IRL, IM TALKING ABOUT IN MINECRAFT)
"Um, how did you die?" I asked
"I got killed"
"By what?"
"A zombie"
Seriously? That's like the easiest mob to kill/dodge EVER
"You have a lot to learn, Hamada."
"Okay, so everybody got their laptops and Minecraft game running?" I asked Jaden and Tadashi
"Yep" Tadashi said
"Yedidooderpoo" Jaden said
Once we all got into the world, Tadashi had already forgotten how to jump
"Wait, how do you jump again?"
"By pressing a button, duh." I said
"Yeah but which one?"
"I dunno, you're the one that was saying how you're all pro now."
"I never said that"
"Well too bad, I'm not telling you how to play"
"C'mon Cat, he's your boyfriend!" Jaden said, butting into the conversation
"He is not my boyfriend! And you show him cause I'm not gonna" i said, running away from them in Minecraft
"Dude! You just stranded us!" Tadashi complained
"Yep. Cause I'm going solo."
After that, Jaden was forced to show Tadashi how to play, and before you knew it they found diamonds!!! Luckily they got along pretty well.
So at least Jaden doesn't feel like he's ignoring her anymore!
I am such a good friend.
Yay! Finally I wrote a chapter!
Anyways, the next chapter will be the 100 follower special!!!
And sorry for not updating, I have just been very busy!
Like seriously, I have to memorize a whole dance by next week for school, and I have to also practice like nonstop!
So that's my excuse for if I don't update much.
Bya my kittehs!

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