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I showed Odeth my phone and the teacher finally came, the day went by like any other, rand my teacher started to bring up history, then i shot up when he said renacimieneto, (renaissance) then he asked
"Quien puede decir me los artistas del renacimiento? Solo los importantes. (Who can tell me the artists of the renaissance? Just the important ones.)"
My arm shot up but so did my arch nemesis, Galilea, my teacher asked her what they wre and she got them all right, but she didn't mention Donatello, and I know that Donnie and the artist Donatello arent the same person, but it still ticked me off, once she finished i added
"No olvidas Donatello(Don't forget Donatello.)" i said proudly.
School finished at 6:00 like it always does, and I rushed over to my house to get my homework done quick, and I couldn't get it done, because it was way too hard!!! At this time it was 8:00, I knew Donnie was awake at this hour so i texted him for help
Me: Hi Donnie!
Donnie: Hi
Me: Can you help me with my homework?
Donnie: Why do you need help with your homework? You're really smart
Me: Thank you, but I have two subjects that always stump me, geographical evolution, and math fractions.
Donnie: Ok, well which one are you having trouble with?
Me: Fractions
Donnie: Ill call you and i can help you there.
Me: Ok!
We called and he helped me with my homework
"And that's all of my homework!" I said happily
"Good job Cat" he said
"What do you mean good job? You did most of the work"
"Well maybe next time you'll use what I've taught you and you van do it yourself"
"That would be great, but I gotta go"
"Bye Cat!"
"Bye My favorite mutant!"
"I-im your favorite mutant?"
"Bye Donnie!" I said quickly then i hung up

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