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Cat's POV
Time for recess, i'm in the 7th grade, but the schools here are very different, like for example, recess and lunch are combined, so you can run around the place, and still have your lunch right there waiting for you, as great as it sounds, it isn't. Also, my school is open roofed, so the only actual rooms, are the class rooms.
"Okay, guys, don't leave my side, plan?" I said
"Plan." Raph said
"You never agree to my plans like that." Leo pouted
"Because their your plans." Raph retorted
"Kay, well you guys want something to eat?" I asked
"No thanks, we don't eat at this hour" Donnie said, and I swear he was way closer to me than the last time i saw him.
"Okay, well what do ya wanna do?" I asked
"Well I've been trying to come up with new ideas for things my micro bots can do" Hiro said
"Micro bots?! Are you crazy?! Don't you remember what happened last time you make micro bots!?" I said
"Don't worry, I made a homing device, so they won't get lost and put into the wrong hands." Hiro said
"Ok then."
"Don't you have any fun ideas?" Donnie said to Hiro
"What?" Hiro asked, starting to get mad
"I like making robots and stuff, but don't you do some thing actually fun? Like skateboarding or something?" Donnie asked, this is not like him.
"I'm a super hero! That's way better than skateboarding!"
"And I'm a ninja!"
Great, now those two hate each other.
"Ok, ok ok, well, Donnie, do you have any skateboards?" I asked
"No, but-"
"Well then don't mention it, anyways, I would love to think up new things for your micro bots." I said while linking arms with Hiro.
"You guys can just explore, remember, you're from New York, and you just moved here, try not to talk to anyone, and don't go outside of school property. That means you Mikey." I said then Mikey giggled
"You guys can go, I think I'll just stay here." Donnie said plopping himself down next to me, in Leo's desk.
While they left I shouted "And no ninjutsu!"
"Ok, mom!" Mikey shouted
"Kay, cry baby!" I retorted
Hiro and I came up with some genius ideas, Donnie just sat there, and I think I saw him glare at Hiro a few times.
Ooooohhhhh wait, I get it.
If Mikey's right, Donnie likes me, and since Hiro and I have been hanging out so much, so Donnie doesn't like Hiro. I get it.
This is crazy, but how Donnie has been acting lately, rude to Hiro, super close to me, did I mention rude to Hiro? Anyways, if he keeps this act up, he ain't got a chance.
Anyways, I do sorta like Hiro...
Yay my head isn't aching anymore, but turns out I got a fever, so I will either write a ton, or barley at all, I hope it's number one, I really like writing this book!
(I'm calling you guys that now, cuz my name's Cat, and well, Kitties are the the followers, and on Wattpad the "subscribe" term is follow, get it?
I've been hanging out with Mikey too much.

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