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Cat's POV
I heard the door open and I ran over down stairs, and once I saw Tadashi and Hiro I hugged both of them.
"Well you missed us." Hiro said
"C-can I t-talk to you guys for a sec? Alone?" I said
I pulled them up stairs and into my room and explained everything that had happened.
"I-I get it if you guys don't believe me, I wouldn't either." I said
"No, we believe it 100%, we know you would never lie about something like that." Tadashi said
"Thanks, well it's getting late, the pizza we ordered a while ago should be here." I said
"PIIIIIIIZZZAAAAAA!!!!" I heard Mikey shout from the kitchen.
"It's here." We all said in unison
I went into the living room and Tadashi and Hiro went downstairs.
"Hey guys!" I said, greeting the TMNT , I didn't show it but I'm terrified of Donnie now.
"Oh." They said
"Um, mind if I sit down?" I asked
"Yes." Leo said
"Go sit some where else." Raph said
"But this is my house"
"Just go, we don't need any annoyances." Leo said
"Ok then?" I said, confused.
I went downstairs to go get some pizza, Tadashi and Hiro had already gone down to the lab.
I saw Jaden making some cupcakes, that's why Tadashi and Hiro went to the store so that they could get the ingredients that she needed, Jaden was just finishing them up.
"Hey Jaden! Um, I'm just gonna grab a piece of pizza quick." I said, opening up the fridge.
"I'll get it." She said, but not in the nicest way, she also blocked me from the fridge and took my plate.
The dug through the fridge for a bit then handed me my plate, except it had a super small piece of pizza on it, and usually I have two or three normal sized pieces.
"Um, I'll just grab one more piece." I said but she blocked my hand
"No. This is all you're having."
"Ok then...um, so I see you finished the cupcakes!"
"Yeah, try one." She said while grabbing a cupcake, but instead of handing me it, she smushed it into my cheek."
"Um, hehe, funny!" I said then took a bit of frosting from my cheek with my finger then tasted it. "Yummy! I should probably go get a rag for the mess, can you help me? I mean you did spill it on me." I said in a friendly tone, trying not to cry.
"No, I don't feel like it."
"O-ok then..." I said them cleaned up, then went to my room with my tiny piece of pizza.

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