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Cat's POV
I was in the lab, just studying some robotics stuff.
Someone knocked on the door and I asked
"are you a criminal?"
"Not really."
"It's open!"
Tadashi came in and I said.
"Oh hey Tadashi."
"H-Hey Cat, so ya know how you told me that here Valentine's Day is also known as the day of love and friendship?"
"W-Well I-I got you something."
I gasped then turned around and asked
"Like a present?"
"Yeah." He said, giving me a box. I opened it up and it was a bracelet of half of the Yin and Yang symbol, the white half to be exact.
"Thank you so much Tadashi! But where's the other half?"
Tadashi lifted up his arm and showed him wearing another bracelet, with the black half, that completes the Yin and Yang symbol.
I quickly put on the bracelet and ran up to Tadashi to hug him and I said,
"Thank you so much!!! You mean the world to me you know that?"
"Your welcome, and you mean the world to me also."
Sorry it's short, and a couple days late, but I just really wanted to write this!!!!!!

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