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I looked up on Disney wiki and it says that Tadashi is 18.
So that's how old he is.
In this book.
And also in the movie.
That's it.
Cat's POV
I woke up in my bed and I saw Tadashi and Hiro standing sitting by my bed and they seemed really worried, I didn't know why at first but then I remembered what happened, an on cue my head and arm hurt really REALLY bad, and of course I screamed "OW"
"Are you okay?" Hiro asked
"Yes Hiro, I am, I AM COMPLETELY FINE AFTER MY ARM GOT IMPALED BY GLASS!!!" I shouted sarcastically.
I felt bad then once Hiro looked hurt, emotionally, of how I shouted at him.
"Oh, I-I'm sorry." I said while looking down.
"It's fine."
"I should probably get Baymax." Tadashi said
I noticed that my head and arm did have bandages on them so I must've been out for a while.
Then Tadashi came back in with Baymax and Tadashi said
"Baymax, scan her."
After Baymax scanned me and said the diagnosis and all that medical stuff I said
"Hey, have you guys told my parents about this yet?"
"Yeah, but don't worry we said that you just fell down the stairs." Tadashi explained.
"Falling down the stairs probably would've been better." I said
"They said that you aren't gonna go to school for at least a week." Hiro said
"Well then I guess I'll just kill some time here for the next week."
Hiro checked his watch then said
"Sorry, I gotta go." Then rushed out of the room, I guess earlier he did mention a meeting on a Minecraft server.
"So what did happen before you passed out?" Tadashi asked
"Well Raph and I were practicing for a falling project in school and he didn't catch me so-" at this point I saw Tadashi getting angrier and angrier.
"Don't do anything to him!" I said
"Why not? He could've gotten you killed!"
"Yes, but you don't need to do anything! I'll handle it!"
"I'll just give him the cold shoulder for a couple weeks."
"And where did that get you with Donnie?"
"I'll be more careful this time!"
"Okay then."
"So did you ever find out why they were being so mean?"
"No, but don't worry, tomorrow I will."
Tadashi's POV
I walked into the living room to finally find out why they were acting like that towards Cat, this just isn't fair how they're treating her!
"So why have you guys been acting like you know what towards Cat?" I asked out of the blue.
"We might as well tell him." Jaden said to Mikey.
"So after we made Cat apologize to Donnie, Donnie came up the stairs, with his arm bleeding, and he told us what had happened." Leo said
"Turns out Cat denied Donnie's apology, but then she started making fun of him, and us, then she slapped him, and started beating him up, then stabbed him with some glass she found." Mikey said in one sentence.
"Alright thanks." I said then walked to Cat's room.

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