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Cat's POV
I was knocked out of my thinking trance when Hiro kept on tapping my shoulder.
"Wait what?" I asked
"Cat, Tadashi already left, you didn't even notice, is something wrong?" Leo asked
"No, I'm just your first day of school about worried" I said
"What?" Hiro asked
"I mean, I'm just worried about your first day of school."
"Don't worry we'll be fine." Hiro said reassuringly, while putting his hand on my shoulder, it made me just FANGIRL squeal in my head. great. I just fell for Hiro. Hard.
Then finally we were allowed to enter the class room (we have to wait until the kids from the morning session leave the class room so we can go in)
I sit in the front row, like Odeth, my bestie, each row has 7 desks aside each other, and there's 5 rows like this, and counting the TMNT and Hiro there would now be 33 kids in my class.
Odeth sits in the farthest one from the door, on the left side, Mikey sits on the opposite end right by the door that's infront of him now, Raph sits by Odeth, because I trust that he will not talk to anyone, then Leo sits to his right, I sit by Leo, Hiro sits down at the desk to the left of me, then Donnie sits in between Hiro and Mikey, he doesn't seem too happy about it.
Just so glad that we're all 14 and at that age no one here flirts, the farthest people go is secret little crushes.
My teacher finally comes in, then he says in his usual loud entrance voice
"Buenos dias alumnos! (Good afternoon students!)"
"Veo que hay unos nuevos estudiantes, pues ya saben que hacemos cuando hay nuevos alumnos, iniciando con los de atras, porfavor digan su nombre y luego como les guste que te llamen (i see that there are new students, well you all know what we do when there are new students, starting with the ones in the back row, please say your name, and then what you prefer people to call you.)"
Peoples names (this is mexico so of course some names are weird): Iker, Paco, Ricardo, Berenice, Ana, Alberto, Alejandro, Jessica, Lorena, Alexandra, Ali, Brayan, Alan, Cinthia, Alondra, Maricruz, Galilea (my arch nemesis), Noel, Brandon, Andrea, Leonel, Azeneth, Wendy, and Gael, two other kids didn't come today.
Then it comes to our row, Odeth does hers, then its Raph, so glad Bob insta taught them another language, and he gave them a decent accent too.
"Yo soy Raphael pero solamente mis amigos me dicen Raph (I'm Raphael, but only my friends call me Raph.)"
Now its Leo's turn.
"Perdon por el actitud de mi hermano, yo soy Leonardo, pero me pueden llamar Leo. (Sorry for my brother's attitude, I'm Leonardo, but you can all call me Leo."
Time for me. Yay. (Note the extreme sarcasm)
"Me llamo Catalina, pero como todos saben, todos me dicen Cat. (I'm Catalina, but as you all know, everyone calls me Cat."
Let's See how Hiro does
"Me llamo Hiro, y, um, pues todos me llaman Hiro (My name is Hiro, and, um, well every one calls me Hiro.)"
I could tell he was nervous about it, heck, when i first moved here, i barely had the guts to say hi, compared to how i was, he was the bravest warrior (IF YOU GET THAT REFERENCE YOU DESERVE A COOKIE).
Hiro's POV
I was nervous, nervous of how people were gonna react to the simpleness of my name, I get that it isn't the most common name, but the turtles have super unique names, they're named after famous renaissance artists, my name is just, my name.
The intros aren't done yet, i just have a page limit. PREPARE FOR MIKEYS

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