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Cat's POV
So today is the guys first day of school, the TMNT seem to be a little nervous but they stick together, but on the other hand, Hiro doesn't really have anyone, and he seems pretty nervous and maybe even slightly scared, I feel bad for him, so I'll make sure I don't leave his side.
"Wait!" I shouted
"What?" Donnie asked
"We're in Mexico" I said
"I thought we all knew that" Leo said
"No! We're in Mexico so..."
They just stood there with blank faces
"And what are we supposed to do about it?" Raph asked
"oh! I got an idea!" I took out my t phone and called bob
"Hey can you do something to the guys so that they can understand and speak Spanish?"
"Uh yeah easy."
"K bye"
I hung up then said
"Try speaking Spanish"
"Awesome! So you guys all know Spanish! Now let's go!"
Sorry guys that this was a short one, but the next one will be much longer!

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