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Cat's POV
"Guess who got into college at the age of 14!" I shouted, entering my living room.
"Hiro?" Jaden said
"Yes, but who else?"
"I dunno."
"What?" Leo asked
"There was a showcase to get into SFIT, and Cat had a great invention so they let her go to SFIT!" Tadashi explained
"I'm gonna go tell my parents, brb!" I said, running out to our hardware store
"Guess what?" I said
"What." My mom said, focused on ordering more inventory,
"I got a scholarship for a college!" I said
"Into a what?" My dad asked
"A college! San Fransokyo Institute of Technology!"
Don't worry, last week Bob explained the dream portal thing to my parents and Jaden, so they know.
"But isn't that like, in another dimension? The one where those two boys and the marshmallow live?" My mom said
"Yeah. And btw, they're Hiro and Tadashi, and the marshmallow is Baymax."
"Well if you were to graduate there, that would mean you would probably have to move there." My dad said
"That would be awesome! And don't worry, I would visit here!"
"Okay, well how did you get in anyways?" My mom asked
I explained every thing about the showcase to them, they were really astonished that I made that kind of tech, they never really knew about my knowledge of robotics, all they really recognized me as was creative, smart (but not that smart), and totally obsessed with fictional stories and characters (mostly is one because it's all I talk about).
I was near the showcase hall, after the presentation, I had no idea why I was there, I heard a fire alarm going off, and there were screams coming from people near me, I turned around and I saw the showcase hall in flames, I was about to run away, but I heard some familiar voices.
Tadashi and Hiro.
I was about to run towards them, but I couldn't move forward, I tried shouting out Tadashi's name, but it was like my voice was gone.
Tadashi was about to run in the building, but them Hiro grabbed his arm and said "Tadashi, no!"
"Callaghan is in there, some one has to help." Tadashi said, then ran into the building.
By then I was crying, trying to move or say something, but nothing worked.
Hiro was about to run in after him, but then there was a huge explosion, at that point I fell down at my knees, crying. I could even hear Hiro crying out Tadashi's name.
I shot out of my bed with tears in my eyes.
Good, it was just a dream.
But I still have to see Tadashi to make sure he's okay.
I peeked into Tadashi and Hiro's room, but the bottom bed of the bunk bed where Tadashi usually slept was empty.
I was really starting to freak out.
I ran into the lab to see if he was there.
Luckily he was.
I ran up to him and hugged him, and started to cry.
"Cat? Are you okay."
"Promise me you'll never leave."
"I promise."

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