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I want into the lab and I saw Donnie working on Metal Head
"Hi" I said
"Aren't you playing video games with Mikey?" He asked without looking away from Metal Head
"I prefer to see your project."
"Ok, well right now I just have the main programming finished, but I'm installing fire blasters at the moment, but later an electric shock extension to short out Krangg technology, and a more advanced hacking program so he can access Krangg files faster, without shorting out his system"
I looked over Donnie's shoulder and he was about to connect a blue wire and a red wire and I followed to where they connected, and let's just say, if they were to connect, thing would not turn out well.
"Wait don't connect!-" I said but I was too late, and Donnei had connected them and there was a big explosion in both of our faces, and he were covered in black smoke.
"How'd you know that was going to happen?"
"I studied robotics for 3 years."
"How old are you?" He asked
"So you started at 12?"
"Well that's awesome! If you want to you can help me fix the fire chargers."
"Yeah, but first I'm going to go get some towels"
"Good idea."
I helped Donnie with the upgrade, it took almost all day but we finally did it, we were about to work on the electric shock, but I realized it was already almost 1 in the morning.
"Donnie, we should get to bed."
"Lemme just finish the electric shock."
"Donnie, it's gonna take another 6 hours, you gotta get some sleep."
"You can go to bed, I'm staying up."
I went over to Leo's room and of course he wasn't in there, I checked the living room and he was sitting on the bean bag, he was moving around a lot, I could tell he was awake and he couldn't get into a comfortable position.
I tapped on his shoulder to get his attention
"Cat? Aren't you supposed to be asleep?"
"I was helping Donnie with Metal Head, anyways, you go sleep in your room, I'll stay out here."
"I count let you-"
"I won't take no for an answer."
"Well thanks Cat!" He went over to his room and I sat on the bean bag to get some sleep, I was used to sleeping on furniture that wasn't a bed.

Dream Come True (Big Hero 6 and TMNT Story) -SEQUEL OUT NOW-Where stories live. Discover now