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Cat's POV
what's that?
Seriously, what is it?
It's getting annoying!
What is it!?
Shut the fudge up you beeping beeper whatever you are!
I woke up in a...hospital room I think, yeah, definitely a hospital room. Why else would it smell like vaccinations and anti bacterial sanitizer?
Some doctors came in, and asked me how I was feeling, what I remember and all that stuff, according to them I didn't loose any memory, so win I guess.
One of the doctors went out for a bit, then came back in and said
"You have some guests."
Hiro and Cass came in and they looked worried and relieved to see me alive, especially Hiro.
"Cat! You're okay!" Hiro said, rushing over to me
"Who are you?" I asked
"What? You don't remember me? I'm-"
"I know it's you, Hiro. I was just kidding."
"Don't scare me like that!" He said, playfully hitting me in the arm
"Okay, okay. Well how long have I been here?"
"They say that they found you and Tadashi passed out outside of SFIT, you got here around midnight, and right now it's like quarter to 9."
"Tadashi." I whispered
"Tadashi! Your brother! What happened to him?" I asked, seriously freaking out.
"Oh, I dunno, I guess I never really thought of him since I was so worried about you."
"Awww, you were worried about me? But this isn't the time to give a crap about me! You just like forgot about your brother!" I said while hitting him
"Sorry! Anyways he should be in this hospital too."
"Well c'mon!" I said then asked the doctor if I could go see Tadashi and he said yes.
When Hiro and I were running out of the room, I heard Cass say
"Oh so now I don't exist anymore?"
I ran back over to her to give her a hug, then caught up with Hiro.
When we finally got to the room, we practically burst through the door.
"Oh, hey guys." Tadashi said weakly, but in a casual tone
"Tadashi!" I said, then ran over to him and gave him a hug.
"You're alright?" He asked
"Yeah, but are you alright?"
"Um, yeah, except my left foot got burnt pretty bad, so I have to use these for a few weeks." He said, gesturing to some crutches.
"Aw. But at least you're still breathing."
"Anyways! Your brother Hiro, has forgotten about you!" I said sorta loudly, I had noticed Hiro had sorta zoned out.
"Oh yeah, hey Tadashi." He said
"Hiro! Your brother was just in a fire explosion, and you're barley even acknowledging that he survived!"
Sorry I had to cut this chapter short!
The next one should be longer!

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