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Cat's POV
Hiro, Tadashi, and I went back to Tadashi's lab, Hiro does have his own lab, but he doesn't really use it to just hangout really, unlike Tadashi's lab, which has a couch, and TV. Did I mention a mini fridge!? In other words, Tadashi's lab is the best.
I was spinning around in the spinning office hair thing by the desk, Hiro was just fixing his super suit, and Tadashi was sitting on the couch. We had been silent almost the whole time, so I decided to break the silence.
"Did we really save the day?"
"Well we saved like 20 people's lives, so I guess so." Hiro said
"Yeah, but it felt like we were missing something." I said
"Yeah, well I gotta go, Baymax was left alone, and he does not know the way around this place." Hiro said, leaving
"Neither do you!" I called out.
Tadashi and I were silent after that, but when I looked over to him, he looked sorta mad, disappointed, and guilty at the same time.
I walked over and sat by him and said
"M" he hummed back, it's weird because he never responds like that, he usually at least says a word, like Hi, or Hey, or even just Hello.
"I something wrong, 'Dashi?"
"No." He said, slightly pissed off.
Wait what? Tadashi never gets pissed off, and if he does, it's because he's frustrated. Yeah. I know him that well.
"Oh c'mon Tadashi, I'm you're best bud, it's my duty to know if something's wrong, and to also fix it." I said, while putting my arm around his neck
"Oh" he replied with out even looking at me
"Tadashi, please tell me what's wrong, you're really worrying me."
"Fine. Well, um, I guess... I just don't think I belong in Big hero 6."
"What!? Of course you belong in big hero 6! It's like...your destiny or something like that!"
"Cat, did you see their reactions when you said I was part of the team?"
"They're just not used to having you as a super hero! I bet they were just astounded on how awesome the fact is that you're part of Big Hero 6 now! And if they for some reason don't agree on you being part of the team, well I'm no letting them kick you out. Look, Tadashi, you are an awesome person, friend, student, brother, and super hero! And nothing can change that."
"But you guys are all professional at this stuff! I'm just like a side character that doesn't even make it through the whole movie to see the end credits."
"What? This ridiculous! And I'm barely an amateur at this, I've only been on a mission with Big Hero 6 one other time! And it was just a bank robbery, and the criminal wasn't even that evil, his weapon was a small wooden steak, and I have literally trimmed my nails with sharper things then that thing."
Tadashi lightly laughed at my remark, then said
"Yeah, well I guess this was my first time,"
"Exactly, and how many tries did it take you to get Baymax to work?"
"Precisely, so then that proves that the first time, you can't expect everything to go smoothly, you just gotta practice! And master the art of...mega taco supreme! or something like that I dunno..."
"Thanks, Cat."
And then we hugged! Dawwwwwww!
Omg thank you all for reading, commenting, and voting for this story! I wake up every morning, looking forward to seeing how many more people have read this story!!!!
Well bya my kittehs!

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