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100 FOLLOWERS SPECIAL!!! (Actually I currently have 105 followers, so sorry for being a little tardy to the party.)
Cat's POV
I was at SFIT, it was around 8:00, and k was working on a new robot and- OH NO
Looks like I'm stuck here for the night.
Luckily there's a couch in Tadashi's lab (that's where I'm currently working at for the time being until I get my own lab) so I won't need to worry as much for where to sleep.
Oh wait! Tadashi said he was gonna stay here until I'm ready to go! So he should still be here I think...unless he ditched-
"Hey Cat!" Tadashi said, entering the lab unexpectedly with a bs full of robot parts
"Ahhhh!" I screamed from being startled like that "oh...hey Tadashi! Hehe..."
"I got those robot parts you needed, and-ITS 9:30!"
"Thank you, Captain Obvious."
"Well SFIT is closed now!"
"Yeah, looks like, we gotta crash here for the night" I said, plopping myself down on the couch
"Oh well-" then the power went out
"AHHH!!!" I screamed, instantly jumping into Tadashi's arms
"It's just a black out"
"Yeah, but there's this video game, and if you use up the power too much, then the power goes out, and a creepy bear animatronic jump scares you, and then kills you."
"Well I won't let any robot bear eat you"
"Actually he would stuff my body into an endo skeleton and force me to be an attraction at a creepy kids pizza place."
"Wow...Anyways, if we're gonna sleep here, we need some blankets, and for the black out, I think I have a couple flashlights in this drawer." He said, digging through a drawer at his desk
"There!" He said, pulling out two flashlights, and turning them on, but one of them didn't work, and the other one was on for a coupe, seconds, but then it turned off.
"Yeah, because that's actually gonna be useful" i said sarcastically.
Then there was a huge clap of lightning, and rain started to pour down
"just what we needed, Yeah thank you Mother Nature!" I said sarcastically again
"Well at least i have a blanket so we don't get cold" Tadashi said, sitting down next to me with the blanket
"What about a pillow?"
"That's why I'm here"
"I'm your pillow!"
"Ohhhhh! Ok." I said, cuddling into his arm
And we fell asleep like that dawww~!
Of course this was a Cadashi one shot because all you guys voted for that ship.
Seriously, if all the ships in this book were to all be playing a sports tournament in a stadium, I'm pretty sure all you guys would just be in the crowd with signs and you'd be chanting "TEAM CADASHI TEAM CADASHI TEAM CADASHI TEAM CADASHI"
Also btw this is be every time I try to type Tadashi
Tadashi (lucky)
I'm not kidding.

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