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It was 2 almost 3 in the morning, I couldn't fall asleep, something was bothering me, it was silent in the lair and it was just the right brightness, not to light, and not pitch black, so it was something in my head, I finally found out what it was, Donnie was still awake, so I got out and slowly opened up the door for the lab and I saw Donnie still working on Metal Head.
"Donnie, you gotta get to bed."
"No I have to finish this."
"No you don't"
"Yes I do."
"Just go to sleep please"
"Why is the sound bothering you?"
"No! It's just that I can't fall asleep with the fact that you're still awake, you have to sleep."
"Well I'm still staying up, just...um...count sheep."
"I already tried that. No come on Donnie!"
"No, I'm staying up."
"You've already stayed up long enough."
"Well I'm staying up longer."
"Fine then."
I grabbed donnie by the shell and I tried to pick him up but he was too heavy.
"Hmmm...." I walked over to Raph's room and he was fast asleep.
"Raph!" I whisper-yelled
"Sensei, just a few more minuets...."
"Raph it me, Cat!"
He just turned around
"uuuuggggghhhhh." I said in annoyance
I noticed Spike in a small yet large cage on a table
"Hey Raph, is this your pet?"
He was still silent
"Maybe I might take him out of his cage and I'll pet him then feed him anything but vegetables!"
Like I planned he shot out of bed
"Don't touch him!" He shouted
"Don't worry I wasn't gonna."
"But you just-"
"It's called acting"
"Oh, well it's almost" he checked him alarm clock, "3 in the morning!"
"I need you to get Donnie out of the lab so he'll go to sleep"

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