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Cat's POV
I am so glad that I go to a half day school, so I start school at 1:30, but I usually leave at 1:15, since I have to walk there, but on the other hand, it's only like 3 blocks away, I guess I like to get to school early, gives me time to work on my fan fiction ideas, wait, should I write ff anymore? I'll just take a break for now.
Anyways, it was me, Hiro, Leo, Donnie, Mikey, Raph, and Tadashi, Tadashi wanted to walk with us to school just to see what it was like, the schools here are very, different, from the ones in the USA, at least in my perspective and my own experiences.
Everyone was staring and murmuring, can't say I blame them, to some people we look like the coolest kids on the street, and to others were the weirdos, oh well, Ya win some Ya loose some.
We were finally at the school, the 5 minuet walk felt like an eternity, but it never has before, just must be cuz the TMNT and BH's are here, the only questions popped into my head.
What'll happen?
Will the kids in my class like them?
Will they get recognized as TV and movie characters?
Ok, one, I can't tell the future, two, like them or not they're registered as students, and three, psh, the only person that knows about them is Odeth- CRAP I FORGOT ABOUT HER
She knows about them, mostly because I showed her TMNT a and BH6, which she never really got into the fandom mood about, BUT STILL! She knows their names, and how they look! Ok, I'll just say that it's complicated, she's used that excuse hundreds of times so I'm pretty sure I can use it once, WAIT
She's by best friend ever so of course she knows about my cartoon crushes! She says I belong with Raph, but I dunno, and I don't really know about Donnie either, he's been acting sorta like a jerk lately, especially when Hiro's around.
Before I knew it we were already at my class room, like I said, school here is very different, so I only have one teacher, and we only have 3 classes a day,
Spanish (Literature and English, but in Spanish) Math, we have those daily, then we have Civic and Ethnic on Mondays (like how to be a good citizen and the laws kinda stuff), history on Tuesday, Science on Wednesday, Geography on Thursday, and on Friday we have two extra classes but we only do one or the other, Art and Phy Ed.
They still haven't gone to class yet whahahaha I'm so evil!
Sorry I haven't been updating my Watt Pad keeps on glitching.

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