Chapter 11:

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Jaclyn's POV:

Brantley doesn't know that his brother Kolby is coming to the show. He hasn't seen him in 3 years.

Brantley and I went into his room and got dressed. I changed into Daisy Dukes with my boots and a plaid shirt tied up under my boobs because it's hotter then hell here. I curled my hair and let it hang down. I did my make up and put my earrings in. I was putting my earrings in when Brantley came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and laid his head on my shoulder. He started kissing my neck. I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck.

B: You look smoking hot babe.
J: Well thank ya.
B: Are you ready?
J: When ever you are/

We headed downstairs and told his mom by and left. His mom and brother are coming together to surprise him.


When we parked they rushed him to sound check. I chilled with Justin outside waiting for him to finish. I called Becky to see where they were.

MB; momma Becky
J: Jaclyn

MB: Hey darlin.
J: Hey momma how close are you guys?
MB: We are pulling in now.
J: Alright. I'm standing behind a bus where you all wil park and hide in. The bus says Justin Moore.
MB: Alright.

They pulled in and got out. I hugged momma Becky and hugged Kolby.

J: Nice to finally meet you.
K: You too.
J: Let's get you guys on Justin's bus before Brantley finds out.

I showed them on the bus and told them how long before he went on.

1 hour later

I went and got Kolby and Momma Becky. Brantley was currently on his 5th song. I changed into a tank top with jewels and put on black heels. I grabbed a mic and got ready. He was about to start another song when I started walking out.

J: Hold up! Hold up!
B: What the...
J: So tonight is special to you because you are in your home town. Take your guitar off.

He took his guitar off and handed it to Justin.

J: Okay. Kolby, Becky. Come on out.

Brantley covered his mouth till his brother came out. His brother just got home from serving over seas. They wrapped eachother in a hug and cried. Momma Becky came over and gave me a hug. She went over and hugged the boys.

J: I would like to welcome to you COL. Kolby Gilbert.

They whole crowd started the applause. Brantley and Kolby let go. They dried their tears and waved to the crowd. Brantley came over to me and wrapped me in a hug.

B: Did you plan this?
J: Yes sir.
B: Thank you babe. I haven't seen him in 3 years.
J: I know. Do you understand how hard it is to keep this from you?
B: (chuckles)

He kissed me and we walked back stage. He took his gear off and we headed to the bus. Kolby and Becky were already there. I went in the back and changed. I put on athletic shorts and a tank top on. I went back out and sat next to momma Becky. We talked until we both got tired so we went to bed in the bunks.

It's 4 am

I went in the living room and found Brantley and Kolby kinda talking because they both were about to fall asleep.

J: Kolby. Go to bed.
K: okay.

I went over to Brantley and straddled his lap. I kissed his cheek then his neck then I kissed his laps.

J: come on babe. Let's go to bed.
B: but....
J: no buts Kolby already went to bed.
B: fine.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards our bedroom. He stripped down to his boxers and climbed into bed. He laid his head on my chest and fell asleep.

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