Chapter 15:

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Brantley's POV:

Jaclyn fell asleep holding my hand. We pulled into the arena and I let go. I went over to her side and she was kinda awake. She turned to me and lifted her arms up. I giggled and grabbed her. She wrapped her arm around my neck and legs around my waist. I took her to the bedroom and laid her down. I went and got our bags. When I came in she was laying down.

J: ( pathetic, in pain voice ) Brantleyyyyy
B: what baby?
J: come snuggle with me. My arm hurts.

I crawled into bed and she separated my legs and laid between them. She grabbed my hand and wrapped our fingers together. I grabbed a blanket and covered us up. I kissed her head and started humming her favourite song. I kinda rocked her and she was out like that. I took my hat off and fell asleep also.

Next day

I woke up and Jaclyn was still asleep. I kissed the top of her head and rubbed her back. She slowly started waking up. She flipped over to where she was laying on me. She laid her head on my chest and fell asleep. I chuckled and rubbed her back.

J: whatcha laughing about?
B: you
J: that's not nice
B: you're just funny

She laid there and traced my tattoos. I kissed her head and pulled her into a tighter hug.

20 minutes later

B: babe you gotta get up
J: why
B: I gotta pee
J: (chuckles) fine

She got up I did my business and started breakfast. We are currently heading to NYC. My phone started going off. It was momma.

B: hey momma
MB: hey baby. How are you?
B: good
MB: how did Jaclyns surgery go?
B: good. She pretty limited on what she can do.
MB: she will be. Does she have to do physical therapy?
B: yeah.

We talked for 20 more minutes and she had to go. I went in and found Jaclyn trying to get dressed. She had got her underwear and shorts on.

J: babe come buckle this please.

I walked over and buckled her bra. I kissed her neck then shoulder. Down her back then went to the front of her stomach leading up her chest back to her neck.

J: babe you are turning me on right now but we are too young for that. I could ended up getting pregnant.
B: if you're not ready it's fine.
J: we still have an intense make out session.

I laughed and started kissing up her neck to her lips. Our lips started moving in sync. I flipped us so she could sit on top of me. We were still kissing when she started grinding on me.

B: (between kisses) you play dirty
J: that's the only way to go.

She kissed down my neck to my abs down to my v and back up. I flipped us over and started kissing her agin. When our lips got in sync I rubbed shorts. She gasped and through her head back.

30 minutes later

We finally got dressed and went into the hotel. She laid her stuff down on the floor and sat on the bed. She fluffed the pillows up so she could rest her bad arm on it.

B: You okay baby>
J: No.
B: What's wrong?
J: My arm hurts.
B: Do you want some meds?
J: Sure

She went to get up but I told her to sit down. I got her meds and handed her a bottle of water. I went into the bathroom and splashed some water on my face. I'm really worried about her. She is in a lot of pain. I know she just ogt out of surgery 2 days ago but I don't think she should be in theis much pain.

jaclyn's POV;

Tonight Brantley plays in Madison Square garden. I'm beyond excited for him. He's really nervous. I changed into jeans and a nice blouse that was blue. I put a grey cami under it and wore brown leather boots. I tried to curl my hair. Brantley's clothes people came in and did my make up and hair. They did my jewelry too. I walked out and wrapped my arms the best I could around Brantley. He pushed me away.

J: What the hell!?
B: I'm sorry baby. I'm just nervous and on edge.
J: we'll talk to me when you aren't.

I left the room and headed for Justin's room. I was about there when I heard our door open and saw Brantley coming.

B: baby. I'm sorry.
J: don't talk to me.
B: I'm sorry

I banged on Justin's door and he opened.

JUSTIN: what's going on?
J: just let me in.
B: Jaclyn.
J: just leave. Go back to the damn room and go pace or whatever the hell you wanna do. Don't talk to me right now.

I shut the door in his face and sat down on the bed. I put my head in my hands and rubbed then through my hair. Just squatted infront of me.

J: ......
JUSTIN: Talk to me. What happened?
J: I had just got done getting ready and I wrapped my arms the best I could around Brantley and he pushed me away with some force behind it.
JUSTIN: what!?
J: yeah. It didn't hurt physically it hurt internally if that makes sense.
JUSTIN: It does. I will be back.

He headed for the door. Shit. I went running and stood infront of him.

J: Justin stop!
J: JUSTIN! Stop! Y'all don't need to fight! Look at me. In my eyes.

He looked me in the eyes.

J: I'm gonna be fine. I'm just hormonal right now.
JUSTIN: .....
J: Justin. I'm gonna be fine.

I wrapped my arms around his neck. I kissed his cheek and pulled back to look at him. He had a tear slip away real quick. I wiped it away and smiled.

J: Justin what's wrong?
JUSTIN: it pisses me off to know someone hurt you. To be honest with you. Your like my little sister to me. I don't want you to get hurt.
J: oh Justin.

I wrapped him in a hug and let him cry. Damn it. He got my shirt wet.

J: I'm gonna go grave a new shirt and change real quick. Come with me.

I used the room key to get in. I saw Brantley's face light up.

B: baby...
H: save it. I'm here to get a shirt, my wallet, pass, phone, and lanyard.

I grabbed my stuff and handed it to Justin. I went into the bathroom and changed into a different shirt. When I came out Justin and Brantley were fighting.

J: DAMN IT! I told you not to fight! I'm done with both of you!

I walked out of the room and went to the elevator. I saw Tim. At this point I was in tears.

T: hey darlin. Are you okay?
J: no ( wipes her eyes )
T: what's wrong?
J: it's a long story.
T: tell away.
J: will you take me to the arena with you and I will tell you on the way.
T: yeah. I'm stopping to get something to eat. Have you eaten?
J: nope. Not at all today.
T: okay your definitely eating then.

We walked out to his truck and he helped me in. He got to his side and said " spill ".

J: okay. Well. I had just got done getting ready and I went over to Brantley and wrapped my arms around his back the best I could and he pushed me away with some force. I got pissed and went to Justin's room to calm down. He got mad and went to fight Brantley. I stopped him and went inside to change my shirt and get my stuff when I came out they both were fighting. I got pissed and went to the elevator where I saw you.
T: so Brantley pushed you away
J: yes.
T: okay.
J: Tim please don't get mad at him.
T: I'm not. We are gonna get revenge.
J: how.
T: so he babies his truck. No one can touch it. Nothing. We are gonna take washable paint in spray paint form and color his truck. I have a special message and you can draw. We all will draw and we can do it to Justin's truck to.
T: that's a good one! Let's do both!
J: alright.

We stopped and got the paint then food and went to the arena. This is gonna be fun.

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