Chapter 52:

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Brantleys POV:

We have been home with Thomas and Aeri for two weeks now. Aeri doesn't like that Thomas cries a lot. She doesn't understand why he cries.

I heard Thomas cry so I got out of bed and threw on some basketball shorts. I went into his room and picked him up.

B: it's okay.

I bounced him until he calmed down. I changed his diaper and laid his head on my chest. We rocked for a while until he was back out. I laid him down and went to check on Aeri. She was kind of awake.

B: hey baby girl.
A: daddy?
B: yes?
A: I had bad dream.
B: oh honey. It's okay.

I went over to her bed and sat down on the ground so I could hold her. She cried. I kissed her head and rubbed her back until she fell asleep. I covered her up and went back to bed. When I got in there Jaclyn wasn't in there. I checked the bathroom and she was sitting on the side of the tub with her head in her hands. I went in and squatted down I front of her.

B: baby. Are you okay?
J: yeah.
B: stop lying. What's wrong?
J: I haven't felt right since I had Thomas. Something feels off.
B: do you wanna go to the doctor later? Kolby and Jessica can watch the kids. I will take you.
J: yeah.
B: come here.

I pulled her up and into a hug. I held her tight and kissed her head.

B: let's go back to sleep baby.
J: okay.

We crawled back into bed and Jaclyn curled up to my chest. I rubbed her back until she was asleep. I hope nothing serious is wrong with her. It makes me sad to see her in pain.

A/N: this is basically a filler chapter before it gets intense. What do you think wrongs with Jaclyn? What will the doctor say? How will they react? Comment any other ideas!

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