Chapter 38:

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Jaclyns POV:

I woke up and Aeri and B were asleep. I saw the sandwiches on the table. I went and got a cup of ice to put my soda in. When I came back B was up. Aeri was passed out on the bed. He came over to me and wrapped me in a hug.

B: you need to eat something. I know you didn't eat this morning. Ran told me.
J: okay.

We sat down and ate. When I was half way through eating Aeri woke up. I went to get her but B said

B: eat. I will get her.

He went over to where she was. He squatted down to her level and rubbed her back and hummed a song and she fell back asleep. I was now done eating and so was B. He sat back down and I sat in his lap.

J: you are such a good daddy.
B: your suck a good mommy.

I gave him a kiss and smiled. I sat there and talked with B till she woke up again. I got her and I sat down in Brantleys lap again. I laid with my head on his shoulder. Aeri had her head on his chest with her face towards me. We both soon fell asleep.

Brantleys POV:

After the girls fell asleep and nurse came in and said Aeri was discharged.

B: will you take a picture of this?
Nurse: of course

She took a picture and handed me my phone back

B: thank you.
Nurse: anytime.

I woke Jaclyn up.

B: baby. We can take Aeri home. The nurse said she is discharged.

She stood up and got Aeri dressed while I packed our bag up. I carried the pink 31 bag while Jaclyn had Aeri on her shoulder covered up with her blanket. When we got out to the front there were paps there. I went and pulled the truck up. Jaclyn had another security person with her. One of us on both sides. She got Aeri in and shut her door. I was in when Jaclyn was getting her leg in when one of the paps slammed it on her ankle.


She jumped out of the truck and clocked the guy. I pulled her off and looked at her ankle.

B: back into the hospital we go.

I got Aeri out and got us all back in. I called momma to come get Aeri while Jaclyn got checked out.

After mom got Aeri I went back to where Jaclyn was. They had her in a walking boot.

Doctor: she fractured her ankle.
B: okay.
Doctor: she's gonna be in this for about 2 months then come back to see how it is.

He left and we headed to the house because that's where momma took Aeri.

When we got home Aeri was asleep in her room. Momma was cleaning. She heard the door so she turned around.

MB: oh sweetie what happened?
J: I was getting in the truck after getting Aeri in and one of the paps slammed the door on my ankle. I said a few choice words. I threw a punch and went into the hospital. Got a walking boot and came home.

Momma gave her a hug and we talked for a little before she left. Jaclyn had just got settled in the chair when Aeri started crying.

B: I've got her.
J: thank you

I got her meds and went upstairs. When I got to her room her face was red from crying. I picked her up and bounced while saying " shhhhhh ". She calmed down and I changed her diaper. I grabbed her blanket and went downstairs. Jaclyn was reclined back in the chair. Aeri reached for her. I gave her to Jaclyn and she snuggles up to her chest.

B: my injured girls.

I took a picture of them and posted it on Twitter. " My injured girls. Guess who's playing doctor for the next few weeks? " I sat down on the couch and watched my girls. They are the best things that have ever happened to me. I love them with all of my heart. I think it's time to take mine and Jaclyn's relationship to the next level. I wanna marry her.

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