Chapter 59: ACM day

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Jaclyn's POV:

We woke up at 6 to have sometime together before we get ready all day.

At 8

The glam squad took me into the living room part of the hotel room and started doing my hair and make up. They were painting my toes also. My nails were already done. I slid on my bottom half and then the top. They helped me into the bright red stilettos.

I stood up and the squad was in front of me. They knocked on the door to make sure he was ready. I know they have a camera ready. I asked them to. This is the first time he doesn't know what I'm going to wear. I walked in and his hand automatically went over his mouth. I smiled and went straight to him. He wrapped his arms around me and put his face in my neck.

B: You look beautiful.
J: Thank you. You clean up pretty good I would say.

That caused him to laugh. He stood up and looked at me. I wiped his tears away and intertwined our hands.

J: Ready?
B: Let's go.

He kissed my head and we left.

When we arrived at the red carpet some people gave us a speech and then we walked on. Everyone was asking questions and then Brantleys manager pulled me to the side so he could do interviews. Then told me someone wants to ask me some question. I agreed. We went over and talked for awhile.

Once he was done with interviews and pictures with fans we went inside. He pulled me to the side and gave me a huge hug.

B: Thank you
J: For what?
B: Coming. Keeping me calm. Being patient. I love you.
J: I love you too babe.

We intertwined hands and went inside.

Once we found our seat (front row) we sat down and started talking with Justin and his wife.

Once the show started we sat there and shut up basically. Half way through B had to go get ready. I gave him a kiss and he left.

When it was time for him to perform I sat there with a huge smile on my face. He is singing " Stone Cold Sober " tonight.

When he came on everyone erupted it claps. I smiled and watched him. I love watching him get so into it.

Once he was done he came back out and sat down. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

J: You did awesome. Don't worry.

He kissed my head and kept watching. He's up for video of the year. It's the first time he's up for anything so he's stressed.

Award time

Announcer: The award for the best video goes to..... Brantley Gilbert! Stone Cold Sober!

He completely folded up. I rubbed his back and he sat up. He leaned over and gave me a kiss.

J: Go get your award.

He gave me another kiss and went up there.

B: Oh my Lordy guys. Thank you. Thank you to BG Nation. Thank you to my beautiful wife. If it wasn't for her I wouldn't be able to do what I do. Thank you to my kids. They give me my drive. They make me a better person. Thanks to my band and management.

He walked off stage and went back stage. Mike came over and got me. I grabbed our stuff and we back. He took my stuff. I saw B and he was hugging Kolby. I didn't know he was here. Brantley saw me and walked over to me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him. I felt my neck getting really warm and wet. I knew he was crying. I laid my head against his.

J: I'm so proud of you baby. I know the kids are too. They might not understand it but they are proud.
B: Thank you. If I didn't have you I wouldn't be able to do what I'm doing. I wouldn't have the drive and I would still probably that drunk guy passed out on the couch. You make me want to be a better person.

I stood there speechless. I wrapped my arms around his waist and laid my head on his chest. He sat his award down and held me. Kolby soon came over and bear hugged us both. I busted up laughing. Kolby wiped away my smeared make up.

B: Let's go back to the hotel.
J: Alright

We grabbed our stuff and found out limo. Then left

Next day

Today we head home. I can't wait to see my babies. I've missed them so much.

At Beckys house

I opened the door and Aeri came running to me. I squatted and she almost knocked me over when B caught me. I sat down and held her. She soon when to Brantley. Thomas stood up. I had a huge smile on my face.

J: Come to momma. Come on baby.

He giggled and stumbled over falling into my lap. I laughed and wrapped him in a hug. B was behind me now. I leaned back and laid my head on his chest. He leaned up and kissed Thomas's head.

B: Good job buddy

We all sat there for awhile until Becky came in. We talked for awhile then headed home. We decided to go out to eat. Aeri sat next to Brantley and Thomas sat in the high chair next to me.

After dinner

We loaded the kids up and went home. When we got home they were passed out. We carefully changed them and laid them down in our bed. I started sorting through the their stuff while B started laundry.

When we both were done we laid down with the kids. As soon as I laid down my stomach did flips and I sprinted to the bathroom. I locked the door behind me. I heard B knock on the door and then Thomas cry. I couldn't do anything because I couldn't stop vomiting.

A few minutes later I was completely wiped out. I grabbed a towel and folded it up. I rested my head on it. The next thing I know I'm asleep.

Brantley's POV:

I laid the kids in their rooms and went back to ours. I didn't hear Jaclyn puking anymore. I knocked on the door and didn't hear a response. I opened and saw Jaclyn asleep against the cabinets. I shook her awake.

B: Hey baby
J: Hi
B: You better?
J: No.
B: Wanna go lay down?
J: No
B: What do you wanna do?
J: Stay right here. I'm comfy.
B: Okay. I'm gonna come lay with you. 
J: No. It's fine.

I ignored her and grabbed a big blanket. She curled up to my chest and fell asleep. Here's to sleep in the bathroom tonight.

Authors Note: I know it's a short chapter but I have had writers block. Comment below to help me get some ideas!!! Thanks y'all!

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