Chapter 14:

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Jaclyn's POV:

I woke up at 4 in a lot of pain. I pressed the nurse button and she came in and adjusted my meds.

N: Nurse

N: You got a good boyfriend there.
J: Yeah
N: Not many will sleep in the horrible, shitty chairs.
J: He's the best.
N: If ya need anything just press the button.
J: Thanks.

I tried to get comfy and couldn't. These beds fucking suck. I laid down and had my bad arm on top and the one with the IV on the bottom. I grabbed his hand and he woke up. When he saw me his eyes got big and he smiled. He sat up and brushed my hair out of my face. He leaned down and kissed my forehead. I scored back and he laid his head next to me. I rubbed his head and kissed it. I scored over more and patted the bed. He climbed in next to me. He had one arm around my back down by my butt trying to not hurt my arm. I leaned in close and snuggled. I grabbed his hand with the one that had the IV and intertwined our fingers. I laid my head on his chest and traced little figures on his stomach. He chuckled and turned the TV on. We watched MTV and laughed our butts off. The nurse came in and said that I could be discharged. Brantley handed me some fresh clothes.

J: where did these come from?
B: Justin brought them. He was worried about you.
J: awww

I got up and got my pants on. It was getting my bra on that was hard. I had a nurse help me. I had to get my shirt on now.

J: brantleyyyyyy
B: what baby?
J: will you help me?
B: of course. Whatcha need?
J: get my shirt on.
B: alright.

I had it on my good arm and he slowly put it around my bad arm. I flinched in pain and pulled away. We got it and and he pulled me into a hug. He kissed my forehead and squeezed me tight. I leaned up and kissed him. He grabbed my bag and got the nurse. It's hospital rules that every patient has to be wheeled out by a nurse. So I had to be wheeled out with my hospital blanket on my lap. Brantley carried out bags to the car and helped me in. My bad arm is the one I use to buckle my seat belt. He buckled me in and grabbed my good hand.

J: thank you
B: for what?
J: loving me
B: you shouldn't have to thank me.
J: I know I just have never really had someone love me in my life.

At this point I had tears falling down my face. He softly wiped them away and cupped my face.

B: that's a shame. They are missing out on the amazing girl you are.

He leaned in and kissed me. I kissed him back and he got in the driver side. I grabbed his hand with my good one and curled up on the arm rest and fell asleep.

Authors note: I would appreciate if more people commented. I have had 3 total.

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