Chapter 43: the wedding

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Brantleys POV:

Today is the day I marry Jaclyn. I'm getting ready at Kolbys and she is getting ready at the house. Aeri is at moms house.

After I was done getting ready I got a soda. I drank it and we left for the house.

Jaclyns POV:

I was upstairs with my sister getting ready. We had already gone and for my nails and hair done. I put my dress on and you could see my baby bump. Ran came in and I pulled her to the side.

J: can you see the baby bump?

R: no. Not really. Why?

J: I think it's noticeable.

R: calm down. It's fine.

I gave her a hug and saw Becky bringing Aeri up.

A: Momma!

J: Aeri!!!!

She came over to me and hugged me.

A: where's daddy?

J: he's at uncle Kolbys.

A: why???

J: because we are gonna get married and he got ready there.

She looked at me very confused. I sat down and got on my phone. I got on Twitter and posted. " Today's the day.... 👰🏼 💍 " I put my phone down and looked at Ran.

R: it's time.

My father isn't walking me down the isle so Brantleys dad is. I met him at the bottom of the steps and we headed out.

When we got to the isle I locked arms with his dad and looked at B. He automatically covered his mouth and had tears in his eyes. When I got up there I wiped his tears away and smiled.

B: you look gorgeous.
J: you look handsome.

We said our vows and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms behind my waist and we dipped back. We had a long slow kiss then we walked back down the isle.

We took some pictures before heading to the reception.

After the reception.

We went back into the house and changed. We leave tomorrow morning at 2 so Aeri is going home with momma. We went downstairs and momma was sitting in the couch with a crying Aeri.

J: hey baby girl.
A: mommaaaaa!!!

She jumped out of mommas arms and ran to me. I sat on the floor with her crying on my shoulder.

J: what's wrong?
MB: she thought y'all had left without saying bye to her.
J: oh honey. Me and daddy wouldn't leave without saying goodbye. Do you want daddy?
A: (sniffling) yeah
J: let's go find him.

I got up and put her on my hip and went walking through the house. We found B coming out of the bathroom. I grabbed his hand and we went into the living room. We sat down on the couch and Aeri sat in his lap and cried.

B: baby girl. What's wrong?
J: she thought we were gonna leave without saying goodbye.

He sat Aeri back and said

B: darlin. We won't leave without saying bye. We will only be gone for 1 week. Your gonna stay with mamaw and uncle Kolby.
A: okayyyy

She wrapped her arms around his neck. She came over and gave me a hug. We loaded her up in the car and said bye. She cried while momma pulled away. It broke my heart into a million pieces. I turned around and walked inside.

I went upstairs and went into the bathroom. I too all my hair pens out and got in the shower. I heard the door come open and B soon slipped in behind me. He rubbed my shoulder and turned me around. I laid my head on his shoulder and cried.

J: it kills me to see her cry like that.
B: I know baby. It kills me too. She's in good care.
J: I know.

I finished washing and got out. I out on some shorts and one of Brantleys hoodies. I dried and straightened my hair. I went into the room and B was laying on the bed in sweats and no shirt. I laid down next to him and rubbed my stomach. He looked at me and smiled. He lifted the sweatshirt up and kissed my stomach softly. He rubbed it and started talking to the baby. I smiled and watched. He laid his head back on the pillow and kissed me. I cuddled up to him and passed out.

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