Chapter 34

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Jaclyns POV:

When we pulled into the arena I jumped out and met B at the front. I grabbed his hand and we headed in. He put my pass around my neck and gave me a kiss. He headed backstage. When we got there a security guy led us back to where Brett was. B had his arm around my waist. When we got back there I sat down on the couch because Brett wasn't back there. We chilled until he came back. When he came back all I could do was smile. I gave him a hug and B shook his hand then sorta hugged him. Idk. Guys are weird. We chilled and chatted till he had to go on. He asked us to sit on the side of the stage.

1 hour later

Brett came off and told me to go change. I was really confused. B took me to his dressing room. He stood outside the door. There was a black dress. It was right and ended above my knees. I put on the heels and headed outside.

B: damnnnn you look good.
J: thanks babe. Will you please tell me what the hell is going on?
B: nope. It's a surprise.
J: uggg

We got back out to the side of the stage. Brett came over and pulled me on stage. He started singing my favourite song. I laughed and he spun me around. We danced and when it ended I have him a hug and went back over to B. We stood there and watched the rest of the show. When Brett was done we went back and hung out with him.

3 hours later

It's now 1 am and we are heading home. We stopped at a gas station and got some sodas. When we got home Aeri was upstairs asleep and LeClaire was downstairs. B headed upstairs and I went to talk to LeClaire.

J: how was she?
L: an angel.
J: good. Thank you for watching her.
L: no problem. I better get going.
J: thanks again LeClaire.

She left and I went upstairs. Brantley was already passed out. I changed and got ready for bed. I crawled into bed and B snuggled up behind me. I smiled and fell asleep.

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