Chapter 44:

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Brantleys POV:

The airplane ride to Mexico was pretty rough. Jaclyn kept getting sick. When we landed we went back to the room. I sat all the bags down and sat down on the couch. I pulled her into my lap. I laid her head on my chest and held her.

B: I love you.
J: I love you too but kinda hate you right now.
B: why?
J: you did this to me.
B: got you pregnant?
J: yes. I wouldn't be vomiting every 5 minutes if I wasn't pregnant.

I chuckled and held her closer. She soon was asleep so I fell asleep.

We woke up about 2 hours later and Jaclyn felt a lot better. We decided to go down to the beach. I got my swim trunks on and helped Jaclyn with her bikini. She looked so damn hot. ( her baby bump looks like the one in the picture above. ) We got our stuff and headed down to the beach.

As soon as she put her stuff down I picked her up bridal style and ran into the water. I went under water with her in my arms and came back up. I gave her a kiss then she took my hat off and put it on. I laughed and carried her to where our stuff was.

We spent a few hours on the beach then headed back to the room. We both took a shower together because the shower is huge and the water comes out of the ceiling. When we were done washing I grabbed her hands and pushed her against the wall. Our lips fell into sync, she wrapped her legs around my waist and I carried her into the bedroom. I laid her down and kissed down her stomach between her legs. I licked her entrance and she raised her back up.

4 hours later

We were finally done making love. I fired up the hot tub and we got dressed and went and sat in it. I sat in the corner and Jaclyn sat next to me. She laid her head on my shoulder and held my hand.

We were in there for a couple hours. When we got out we went to bed.

Next day

I woke seeing my beautiful wife next to me. I pushed a piece of her hair out of the way.

B: good morning mrs. Gilbert.
J: good morning mr. Gilbert.

I gave her a kiss and went to the bathroom.

We got dressed for the day and went site seeing.

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