Chapter 13:

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Jaclyns POV:

Tonight we leave to go to NYC for the next concert. It breaks my heart to see Brantley so sad that he has to leave his brother.

Brantley's POV:

I wish I didn't have to leave because This is the first time I have seen Kolby in 3 years. I went into the living room and sat next to momma and talked with Kolby. We talked until the bus driver was yelling at me saying it was time to go. We walked outside to say goodbye. I gave momma a hug the hugged Kolby. They got in the car and left. Jaclyn wrapped her arm around my waist and hugged me. I kissed her head and went inside. I went to the back and changed into shorts and a cutoff. I went back to the front and Jaclyn was curled in a ball on the couch. I sat down next to her and pushed the hair out of her face and kissed her forehead.

B: What's wrong baby?
J: I don't feel good.
B: What hurts?
J: My ovaries. Their gonna fall out.
B: No their not babe. What do you need?
J: For the pain to go away.
B: I'll be right back.

I went into the bathroom and got her some ibeprofen, and then a bottle of water. I grabbed the heating pad and went back in there.

B: Sit up and take this.

I handed her the medicine and water. She took it and looked at me.

B: Here's a heating pad. Want me to plug it in?
J: Yes please.
B: Okay.

I plugged it in and sat on the floor next to her. She had it over her lower stomach and was still curled up in a ball. I held her hand and kissed her forehead.

B: Wanna watch a movie?
J: No. I wanna sleep.
B: Then sleep.

I kissed her hand, and rubbed her back until she fell asleep.

2 hours later.

I was in the bunk area on my phone when I heard a thud. I went running into the living room and found Jaclyn on the floor crying in pain.

B: Babe. What's wrong?
J: .......
B: Jaclyn. Talk to me.
J: My elbow
B: Did you fall on it?
J: Yes.

I got her back on the couch and got her an ice pack. I went and talked to the bus driver.

BD: Bus driver
B: Brantley

B: Hey. Where's the closet town?
BD: Nashville. Why?
B: Jaclyn fell on her elbow when we turned that corner. I think she might have broke it. It's already swollen and purple.
BD: Okay. We are going to the hospital.
B: Thanks.

I went to the back and talked to Jaclyn.

B: We are 5 minutes away from Nashville. We are stopping at the hospital to get your elbow checked out.
J: Im fine. We don't need to go.
B: yes you do. You can't bend your elbow. Come on.

I picked her up and took her back to our room. I helped her get dressed and went to the front with her. We went inside and got her checked in.

D: doctor
J: Jaclyn
B: Brantley

D: So we got the results back.
B: and?
D: you have fractured your elbow in 3 places and need emergency surgery.
J: What!?
D: Yes. We already are prepping the surgery room.
J: Let me talk to my boyfriend for 5 minutes max.
D: Okay

She looked at me and burst into tears. I grabbed her and pulled her in close. I kissed her head and rubbed her back.

J: I have never had surgery. What if something goes wrong??
B: Nothing will go on. We just need to pray.
J: Then let's pray.

We held hand and bowed our heads.

B: Dear lord. Please let Jaclyn's surgey go smooth and have a fast recovery.

B&J: Amen.

I kissed her head and she got ready for surgery. I kissed her before they took her back. They made me go sit in the waiting room. The surgery could take up to 2 hours. I called Carrie.

C: hey
B: hey. You in Nashville?
C: yeah why?
B: I need you out the hospital now.
C: why!? What happened!?
B: I will explain when you get here. I need someone with me.
C: I'll be there in 10.

I put my phone in my pocket and waited.

10 minutes later

I had my head in my hands when I heard Carrie yell my name. I got up and went over to her and hugged her.

C: B. What happened?
B: sit.
C: just freaking tell me what happened!?
B: Jaclyn was asleep on the couch and we turned a corner and she rolled off. She landed hard on her elbow and fractured it in 3 places and is in emergency surgery.
C: honey. Come here.

She pulled me into a hug and let me cry.

30 minutes later

C: let's go get something to eat from the cafeteria.
B: okay.

We walked down to the cafeteria and got something to drink. We went back to the waiting room and sat down. I sat down in a chair and Carrie sat in the one next to me. She set her feet in my lap and played on her phone. I pulled mine out and got on Twitter. I posted " please keep my girlfriend in your prayers. She's in emergency surgery right now. ". I played on my phone until a doctor came out and said " Family of Jaclyn B. ". I got up and went over to her.

B: How did it go?
D: It went perfect. She is currently in recovery where she will be for a couple hours or until the medicine wears off. 
B: Can I go see her?
D: Yes. Follow me.

I looked at Carrie and she shook her hand. I followed the doctor to where Jaclyn was. She was awake. I smiled and pulled up a chair. She had a pillow and was curled up to it. 

B: Hey darlin. How ya feelin?
J: Like shit.
B: (chuckles) Is there anything I can get you?
J: My mug of water.
B: Alright.

I jumped up and got the water from the counter and held it so she could get a drink. I set it down on the floor next to my chair. I grabbed her hand that was under the pillow. I smoothed the hair out of her face and kissed her head. I laid my head above her head and kissed her head. She intertwined our fingers and kissed them. I smiled and heard the door open. I looked and saw that it was Carrie. I told her to come in. 

C: How ya feelin?
J: Like shit.
C: Well you will for awhile. Surgerys suck. The doctor said their ready to move ya to a real room.
J: Okay.

I got up and but her water next to her in her bed. I grabbed her bag with her clothes in it. The nurses come in and take her out to the room. Carrie and I walk out into the hall.

C: do you need anything?
B: No. Justin is bringing Jaclyn and I some clothes and dinner. 
C: Okay. Call if you need anything. 
B: Thanks Carrie.
C: Anytime.

I gave her a hug and she left. I went up to her room and set her bag down. 

J: Brantley.
B: Yes baby?
J: My arm hurts really bad.
B: Let me go get a doctor.

I went out into the hall and found her doctor. I told him what was going on and she came in. 

D: okay. I'm gonna give you an IV in your wrist and one in your back to help with the other soreness of laying on the operating table.
J: okay

I held her hand while they inserted the IV in her back. She gripped my hand hard. I kissed her forehead and moved the hair out of her face. They came over put the IV in her wrist. They got it in and left. I pulled the chair next to her and held her hand. I still held her hand while I reclined back in the seat. When I finally saw she was asleep I closed my eyes and fell asleep too. 

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