Chapter 40:

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Brantleys POV:

The next morning was pretty rough. Aeri still doesn't feel that good. I sat up and held her a lot and so did Jaclyn. I let Jaclyn sleep and took her downstairs. I sat down in the recliner and turned cartoons on. I reclined back and she laid with her head on my stomach so she could see the TV.

I looked back down when the episode was over Aeri was passed out drooling on my stomach. I laughed to myself not wanting to wake her. I turned the TV down and tried to sleep.

At about noon I woke up to Aeri poking my face and pulling on my beard. I laughed and tickled her stomach. She laughed till she was red in the face. She buried her head in my chest laughing. I took a picture of her laying on my chest. I posted it on Twitter and said " Love moments like this. ". I sat up and carried Aeri upstairs to our room. Jaclyn was still asleep so I let her sleep. I took Aeri into the closet with me while I changed into jeans and a v-neck. I sat down infront of her and put my socks on. She took one of them and thought it was funny. I tickled her and she let go of it. I put it on and picked her up. Jaclyn was still asleep so we went downstairs. I put Aeri in her high chair and brought her into the kitchen with me. I turned the radio on and sang along. I put Aeri's breakfast on her tray and made my shake. I was putting my shake in my glass when I felt someone's hand rub my back. I turned around to see my beautiful fiance. I smiled and kissed her. She went and sat down at the bar. I handed her the shake I made for me.

B: Drink this. It will make you feel better.
J: Okay.

I went and made one for me. When I was done with it I put it in my cup and went over infront of Jaclyn.

B: What do you want to do today?
J: Let's go for a ride. Drive some back roads. Aeri will sleep. She needs to catch up on sleep and we can have some relaxing time.
B: Alright. Get dressed. I will get Aeri dressed and ready.

She headed upstairs to get ready. I cleaned Aeri's tray and got her out. I took her upstairs and changed her diaper. I put her in some stretchy pants and a t shirt. I put some tenis shoes on her and went downstairs. I got her blankey and teddy. I put it all in her diaper bag and loaded everything up.

Jaclyn's POV:

I went upstairs and put on some skinny jeans and a tank top. I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I put my hair in a messy bun and put a cute headband in. I put some make up on and put my boots on. I grabbed my phone and went downstairs. B had loaded Aeri and everything up. I got in the truck and we were off. We turned the radio on and sang along. Aeri finally fell asleep. We stopped in this field and took some pictures. I put my phone on the hood of the truck and set the timer. I did one with my arms and his arms around my waist. We were kissing and I had one of my feet in the air. Then the other was us laughing our asses off. Then we smiled. We did another one and B kissed my cheek right before the timer were off so I was laughing. We got back in the truck and was off. I posted the one of us kissing with my foot in the air. " Prince Charming knows how to sweep a girl of feet. " I leaned back and watched out the window. Every once and a while I would look back and check on Aeri.

Few hours later

We finally headed home. Aeri slept the whole time. When we got home I got her out and went to the recliner. I declined it back and laid there with her. B brought her bag in and smiled at us. He leaned down and gave me a kiss.

J: babe.
B: what?
J: we should start planning the wedding soon.
B: yeah that's a good idea.

He went upstairs and changed. I got up and took Aeri to her room. I went to our room and changed. I grabbed B's hand and drug him downstairs.

We sat down on the couch. I pulled my laptop up and got a word document up.

J: let's talk theme.
B: okay.
J: I was thinking nature.
B: I like it.
J: I want a small wedding. Close family and friends.
B: I agree. We should have it here. We have the big barn to hold the reception. Nice area for pictures.
J: sounds good to me.

We sat and picked out colors and registered for gifts online. We were almost done when I heard Aeri cry.

B: I've got her.
J: alright.

He got up and went upstairs.

Brantleys POV:

I went into Aeris room and she was standing up crying. I picked her up and rocked her for a couple minutes and she passed back out. I laid her down and went to the bedroom.

Jaclyn was laying in bed already. I stripped to my boxers and got in next to her. She laid her head on my shoulder and traced my tattoos. I love it when she does that. We laid there and soon went to sleep.

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