Chapter 1

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{A/N In this book Jaclyn is 16, Brantley is 19.}

Jaclyn's POV:

Today my friends and I are going to the mall to go shopping for an outfit for the Brantley Gilbert concert I am going to tomorrow. We shopped for over four hours trying to find an outfit until I found jean shorts and a cute see through top that I wore a cami under and boots.


I got up and brushed my teeth then started getting ready. I straightened my hair and put in silver hoops and diamond studs in my seconds. I did a smokey eye and got my clothes on. I still had an hour until we left. I plugged my phone in and played on my iPad. I was on Twitter and tweeted " Can't wait for my first @BrantleyGilbert concert tonight! Meet & Greet? ". The next thing I knew Brantley favorites, followed me, and replied " PM me. ". OH. MY. FLIPPING. GOD.


J: Hey Brantley! You told me to PM you.

B: Hey darlin. You want a M&G?

J: I would love it.

B: Alright. I can hook ya up. Where ya sitting?

J: Nosebleeds bassically.

B: Not anymore.

J: What?

B: You will be sitting on the side of the stage.

J: No way.

B: Yes way darlin. Anyone coming with you?

J: Nope. Just me.

B: Good :)

J: Where do I come back?

B: Well if ya came early you could come through security in the back by the buses.

J: Alright.

B: Can I have ya number to text ya where to come in and then you can call me when you are close.

J: Alright 587-995-1245 (Fake number)

B: Alright you can come whenever before the concert. I'm free till about one hour before I go on :)

J: Alright thanks Brantley

B: Anytime darlin.


Oh. My. Flipping. God. I just talked to Brantley Gilbert and he called me darlin. My phone went off and it was Brantley. He sent me how to get in to the buses. I said thanks and saved his number in my phone. I grabbed the bag I alway keep in my truck for concerts. I put my charger in there and a change of clothes to change into before I leave and a water bottle and toothbrush I always take with me. I put my bag in the truck and headed to Starbucks. I got a mocha coffee and texted Brantley " Want any coffee I'm stopping at Starbucks? " " Sure. A black coffee? I will pay ya back. " " Alright. You don't need to pay me back. ". I ordered and left. I headed to where Brantley told me to and they let me in and led me to where I needed to go. I saw Brantley and smiled. He stood up with a confused face. I parked my truck and jumped out. " Hey Brantley. " " This your truck? " (It's a red and black jacked up truck.) " Yep. Come here. ". I drugged him to the tail gate and dropped the gate. I pulled out the step and put up the handle. " Holy shit. ". I stepped up and sat on the tool box. " You gonna come and sit with me or are you to scared to get up here? " " I'm coming. ". He got up here and sat down.


B: So tell me more about yourself.

J: I'm a sophmore in college. I skipped 4,5,6,7,8 grade because I was so advanced. I'm currenty 17. I want to be a music teacher after college. In 9-12 I played in the school marching band. I played the tenor sax.
B: Interesting
I jump down and run to the front of the truck
B: What!?
J: I forgot our coffees.
I grabbed them and handed him his coffee and we went and sat on the tailgate until some guy said it was time for sound check. We hoped down and I followed him to the stage. I sat on the side and took a few photos. I sat down and waited for him to finish.

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