Chapter 21:

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Jaclyns POV:

I woke up sick to my stomach. I ran to the bathroom and emptied my stomach. I brushed my teeth and threw my hair into a messy bun. I was in shorts and a tank top. I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs to let Sylo out. He ran around and went to the bathroom. Brantley was calling. I decided to answer.

J: hey
B: baby please listen to me.
J: alright. Only because Ran isn't up and Sylos going pee.
B: first of all I'm glad your safe at Rans. Second. Yesterday I blew it out of proportion. Please come home. I apologized to momma and said I would give him a chance.
J: I'm proud of you for confessing to your mistakes. I'm also glad you told momma you will give him a chance.
B: so will you come home.
J: sometime today. Me and ran have some stuff planned.
B: okay. I love you.
J: I love you too.

Sylo came up to me and laid his head on my stomach.

J: hey babe.
B: what?
J: I think Sylo knows I'm pregnant.
B: why do you say that?
J: he's been laying his head on my stomach. I moved it down to my leg and he moved it back to my stomach.
B: he's gonna protect our baby.
J: yep.

I hung up and petted his head. We went inside and crawled up on the couch waiting for Ran to wake up.

20 minutes later

Ran came down and sat next to me.

R: how ya feelin?
J: better then this morning. I woke up and got sick. I took Sylo outside and let him go pee. Then Brantley called.
R: oh shit.
J: yeah. He apologized for everything and said he apologized to his momma. I told him I would be back sometime today.
R: damn.
J: yeah. So let's go do something.
R: like what?
J: something a newly pregnant lady can do. No roller coasters or shit.
R: alright. Let's go target shooting.
J: can I do that pregnant?
R: shit. No.
J: let's go shopping.
R: alright.

We went and got dressed. I changed into an oversized sweater and jeans with boots. I put my hair in a bun. I got my stuff and took it to the truck. I loaded up Sylo and took him home.

When I pulled in Brantley was outside. He smiled and came over to me. I got Sylo out and he came over. He wrapped me in a hug. I laid my head on his chest and didn't say a word.

B: I'm seriously so sorry.
J: let's not talk about it. You corrected your errors. That's all that matters.
B: I love you.
J: I love you too.

I gave him a kiss and took my bags in. He brought Sylos stuff in and helped me upstairs. I put my dirty laundry in the hamper and changed into skinny jeans, white tank, Aztec scarf, biker boots, and hair in a loose side braid. I went downstairs and Brantley was in the kitchen. He smiled and wrapped his arms around me. I put mine behind his neck and he spun me around. I laughed and heard the door open. It was Ran.

R: Y'all are so bipolar I swear.

We both just laughed and he put me down. He gave me a kiss and we left.

We went to the mall and went shopping. Ran bought this teddy bear that said " Baby's first Christmas ". It was so adorable. I bought some pregnant lady stuff and Ran took me home.

Ran helped me carry my stuff inside. I had bags for the baby and stuff for me then for Brantley, then Sylo. We came in with bags and Brantley looked at us really confused.

J: What!?
B: Did ya buy the whole damn place?
R: Pretty darn close.

We laughed and B took the bags from Ran. I gave her a hug and she left. We took out bags upstairs and started putting them up. B had the ones for Sylo and him. He was sitting on the bed while I showed him stuff. I pulled out this onsie that was camo and it said Daddies little hunter " with a shot gun on it. He chuckled and got up. We went through the baby stuff. He smiled at it all and looked at me. He kinda looked scared.

J: What's wrong babe?
B: We are gonna have a baby aroud her in a few months. I'm a big giant. I'm gonna step on them or something.

He sat on the bed and put his head in his hands. I lifted his head up and made him look at me.

J: First of all. There's not THEM there is only one. (he laughs) Second of all, you are gonna be fine.
B: I'm just scared I'm gonna hurt the baby or something.
J: You're not gonna hurt the baby babe.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed the top of his head. He pushed me back and lifted up my shirt. He kissed it and started whishpering to the baby. I took his hat off because it was getting in the way. I put it on and watched him. He pulled my shirt back down and leaned up to kiss me. He pulled back and looked at me.

B: Damn. you look better in that then I do.
J: Duhhh!

He took his phone out and took a picture of me. I watched him post it on Twitter saying " My girl looks better in my hat then I do. Damn. @JaclynTaylor ". I chuckled and messed with his hair. I put his hat back on him and started putting my stuff away. He was going through the bags when he found of the shirts I wanted to give him tomorrow.

B: What is this?
J: It's the shirt your gonna wear at the reveal party under your jacket. I already have it planned. Your gonna "spill" somethin on me. I'm gonna act mad and you follow me. I;m gonna put my shirt on and your gonna out yours on. I'm gonna put a jacket on and we are gonna get everyone in the living room and announce it.
B: Sounds good to me.

Ran and I planned this and sent the invites out at like 1 am.

Blake and Ran
Luke and Caroline, the boys
Jason and Brittany, the girls
Momma Becky and her boyfriend

We finished putting the stuff away. We laid down and I curled up in Brantleys lap and Sylo laid on his feet. I soon fell asleep.

Brantley's POV:

I looked down and saw Jaclyn and Sy asleep. I took my hat off and fell asleep too.

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