Chapter 51:

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Jaclyn's POV:

Today we get to take Thomas home. Brantley and I are currently laying in bed.

J: hey babe.
B: yeah?
J: will you help me up?
B: yeah. Whatcha need?
J: go to the bathroom.
B: okay.

He helped me up and I went to the bathroom. When I was done I came back out with my hand on my stomach.

J: I swear to god. I'm gonna kill you if I get pregnant again and have to deliver one again. I'm doing c-section.
B: (chuckles) okay. Whatever you want baby.
J: I freaking sneezed and it felt like someone stabbed me down there.
B: I'm sorry. Come here.

He was sitting on the edge of the bed so I went over and hugged him. He pulled me into his lap. I gave him a kiss and that's when Thomas fussed. I picked him up and fed him. When I was done feeding him I swaddled him in the blanket and sat in the rocking chair rocking him. His head was resting on my shoulder when my eyes got very heavy.

Brantleys POV:

Jaclyns eyes kept closing. I knew she was tired. I walked over and took Thomas. She jumped and went to grab him.

B: it's fine. I'm just laying him down.

She relaxed and laid back. I laid him down then covered her up. We both only slept about a hour last night. She's been really tired lately. Yes I understand she just gave birth two days ago but she wasn't like this with Aeri.

A few hours later

A nurse came in and tested their levels one last time then discharged us.

When we got to the car I helped Jaclyn in and put Thomas in. Jaclyn sat in the back with him. We headed to go to mommas to go get Aeri and so that momma can see Thomas.

When we got to mommas Thomas was fussy. I grabbed his bag and walked in next to Jaclyn with my hand on her back. She's very sore so it's hard for her to get up the stairs. When I opened the door Aeri was playing in the living room. She jumped up and ran straight to Jaclyn. Her head her right in the crotch. She gasped and clinched on my arm really hard.

B: Aeri. You have to be very careful with mommy. She hurts bad.
A: okay.
B: Can you go play while we get baby Thomas happy.

She nodded and went over to her toys. Momma was in the kitchen when we went by.

MB: Y'all okay?
B: Thomas needs a diaper change and to be fed.
MB: Okay.

We got up to what use to be my room. I set his bag down and helped her sit in the rocking chair that was now in my old room. I got a blanket and gave it to her because Thomas likes to be covered while eating. I changed him while she got ready.

When she was ready I handed her Thomas and sat down on the bed.

J: Go play with Aeri while I feed him. I know she misses her daddy.
B: She misses her momma too.
J: I know. Go play with her and cuddle with her.
B: Alright. holler if you need me.

I went downstairs and saw Aeri laying on the couch watching mom cook. I squatted infront of her.

B: Hey baby girl.

She wrapped her little arms around my neck and cried.

B: What's wrong baby?
A: I missed you and mommy.
B: I know but baby Thomas wasn't feeling good so we stayed with the doctor till he was better. Mom and I are home. Baby Thomas needs us a lot because he can't talk like you can. He needs mommy and I to do stuff for him. Okay?
A: Okay. Do you have to help him potty?
B: (laughs) Not exactly. When he potties in his diaper we have to change it because he doesn't like it when he goes potty in his diaper.
A: Ohhh.
B: Yeah. When you are by mommy you have to be careful. She has lots of boo boos.
A: Why does she have boo boos?
B: because she had your brother.
A: He came out of her belly?
B: Yes so mommy hurts from it.
A: Okay.

She laid her head down on the arm rest and closed her eyes. I smiled and kissed her head. I stood up and went over to where momma is.

B: Thank you for everything.
MB: No problem baby. I'm glad to watch one of my grandkids while the other one gets better because lord know these are the only ones I get.
B: (laughs) Thanks momma.

I gave her a hug and kissed her head. I went back upstairs to check on Jaclyn and Thomas. Thomas was passed out and so was Jaclyn. I picked up Thomas and went downstairs.

B: Hey momma?
MB: Yes baby?
B: I have a question.
MB: Ask away.
B: I know Jaclyn just delivered Thomas a few days ago but should she be very tired?
MB: Depends. How did she react with Aeri?
B: She was very tired for a few days then was fine but was never this tired.
MB: Just give her time. This time was probably harder on her.

I nodded and sat down at the bar with Thomas. He wrapped his little hand around my finger. This is an amazing feeling. Aeri came over and pulled on my leg.

B: Yes baby?
A: Can I see baby Thomas?
B: Of course. Let's sit on the couch.

We went over to the couch and sat down. She got up in my lap and looked at him. He was in my other arm that she wasn't on. I took her hand and put it on his belly. She looked at me and smiled. All I could do was smile.

B: You like your brother?
A: Yeah. He's cute.

I just laughed. She laid her head on my chest and played with his hand. I kissed her head and watched them bond.

Momma Becky's POV:

I saw Brantley and the kids on the couch. He was smiling huge at them when I snapped a picture. I put my phone down and went upstairs. I found Jaclyn asleep. I grabbed a bigger blanket and covered her up. I went back downstairs and said

MB: let me see that baby.

Brantley laughed and handed him to me. I sat down on the other couch and held him.

Jaclyn's POV:

I woke up and went to head downstairs when I couldn't make it down the stairs. I yelled

J: Brantley!

He came running up and asked

B: what's wrong?
J: I need help down. I'm really sore.

He grabbed my hand and walked backwards in front of me. I clenched on the hand rail and his hand with every step.

B: take a deep breath.

I took one and couldn't take it anymore.

J: babe. I can't do it anymore.
B: alright. I'll carry you.

He got on my side and picked me up. He finished carrying me down the stairs and to the couch. I sat with my legs over Brantleys legs. Aeri came over and we cuddled. Becky gave Thomas to B and went in the other room.

J: I love this feeling.
B: me too.

B had Thomas in his right arm and Aeri was in my lap. I leaned up and gave him a kiss. I heard a click and didn't care. I pulled back and smiled. I put my hand on his cheek and said

J: I love you.
B: I love you too.

He gave me another kiss then Thomas fussed. Brantley went and changed his diaper then came back.

When he sat down I asked

J: you about ready to go?
B: yeah. Let me get aeris stuff in the truck.
MB: I already did that.
J: thanks momma.

Aeri got down and got her shoes on while B put Thomas in his seat then came and helped me up. I gave momma a hug and went to grab Thomas when B said " no. I've got him. ". I grabbed the diaper bag and headed outside.

When I got to the truck I helped Aeri in and buckled her up. B came to my side and helped me in after he got Thomas in. When we were all settled we headed home.

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