Chapter 37:

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Brantleys POV:

They came in and prepped Aeri for surgery. Jaclyn sat on my lap and held my hand. When they were done we gave her kisses and she went back. They said we could stay in the room while she was in surgery because she was gonna come back in here.

Jaclyn had her head on my shoulder. I rubbed her back and we turned the tv on. Let's pass the next hour quick.

Jaclyns POV:

They just took my baby back for surgery. I laid in Brantleys lap and fell asleep.

Brantleys POV:

Jaclyn passed out in my lap. A hour later they brought Aeri back in. I shook Jaclyn to wake her.

B: baby. Aeris done.

She sat up and rubbed her eyes. They told us everything and said since she is so young she needs to stay the night. They left and Jaclyn went over to the side of her bed and got on her knees. She moved the hair out of her face and kissed her forehead. I got up and touched Jaclyns back.

B: I'm gonna go make a phone call.
J: okay.

I stepped out and called Ran.

R: hello?
B: hey. I got a huge favor to ask.
R: anything.
B: will you go to the house and get me, Jaclyn, and Aeri a change of clothes and bring it up to the hospital.
R: yeah. Why are you all at the hospital.
B: Aeri had a 102 fever. We brought her in and she had infection in her tonsils so they removed them.
R: poor baby.
B: yeah.
R: I'll be there in about 30 minutes.
B: thank you.

I then called momma.

MB: hello?
B: hey momma.
MB: what's up
B: Aeri just got out of surgery. She had her tonsil removed. So I have a question to ask you.
MB: anything.
B: will you go to the house tomorrow morning and straighten things up? We left while I was making dinner because she had a 102 degree fever do everything is till out.
MB: of course.
B: thank you.

I hung up and went back in the room. Aeri was sitting up. She started crying.

J: show mommy where it hurts.

Aeri pointed to her throat. I stepped out and got a nurse.

B: can she have anything for her pain?
N: yeah. Has anyone given her any?
B: no
N: poor baby. I'll get some.
B: thank you.

I went back in and Aeri was in Jaclyns lap. She saw me and wanted me. I sat down on the end of the bed and held her while she cried. I rocked her and hummed some songs. She finally calmed down when the nurse came in. She gave her some liquid meds and left. Aeri laid her head on my chest and played with my dog tags. My phone went off. I got it and saw Ran had texted me. I replied and handed Aeri to Jaclyn.

I got to the waiting room and saw Ran.

R: how is she doing?
B: she's in lots of pain. They just gave her some meds. If you want you can take the clothes back to Jaclyn. You can see Aeri. They only let 2 people back there.
R: are you sure? Your her father. You should be back there.
B: I'm gonna get us food because we haven't eaten today.
R: okay.

Rans POV:

I gave B a hug and headed back. Aeri was passed out on the bed. When Jaclyn saw me she broke down. I put the bag down and hugged her. She just cried on my shoulder. After she finished crying we sat down and talked.

R: just think when she gets to go home you will have an excuse to make B go get ice cream.
J: ( busts up laughing ) yeah that's true.

Brantleys POV:

I went to subway and got us sandwiches. I got drinks and chips and headed back. Before I went back in I posted on Twitter a picture of me laying in the hospital bed with Aeri in the gown " Please say a prayer for my baby girl. She had emergency surgery earlier. ". I got our stuff and headed in. When I got in there Jaclyn was passed out and Ran was holding Aeri. I set the stuff down and went over to Ran. She stood up and handed me Aeri. Aeri snuggled up to me. I gave Ran a hug and she left. I sat down on the edge of the bed and took my boots off. I grabbed a blanket and covered me and Aeri up. I turned on her cartoons until she fell asleep.

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