Chapter 53:

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Marie's POV:

Today we are going to the doctor. I changed into some skinny jeans with a tank top and boots. My hair was down with a headband in. B had on jeans with a black v-neck. The usual. I packed up Thomas's stuff and then packed up some stuff for Aeri. I put their bags in the car and then got Thomas in his seat. Brantley took out Aeri while I got Thomas. When everyone was loaded up we headed off to Kolby's.

After we dropped them off we headed to the doctor. When we got there I filled out some paper work and was taken back. They took me into an exam room and had B wait in the hall. They did a lot of exams and figured out what was wrong with me.

B came in and sat next to me. He grabbed my hand and kissed it.

B: It will be okay baby. We will get through this together.
J: How? Your not the one that got diagnosed with Postpartum Depression!
B: Baby. Look at me. We will work it out together. They said it will last about another month or two. It will be okay.

I just looked at my lap and cried. He stood up and embraced me in a hug. I leaned into him and cried. He rubbed my back and kissed my head. When I was done crying the doctor wrote me a prescription and we left.

Brantley's POV:

After we left we went to Kolby's and got the kids. Jessica and Jaclyn sat on the stairs with the kids. Aeri was passed out in Jessica's arms. Thomas was playing with Jaclyn's necklace.

K: So what did the doctor say?
B: She has PPD.
K: What's that?
B: Postpartum depression.
K: Ohhh....
B: Yeah. He gave her some meds. It should last for about a month or two.

I took my hat off and rubbed my hand through my hair. Kolby gave me a hug and then we went over to the girls. I took Thomas from Jaclyn and held him. He started to get fussy so I took him inside and changed him. He was still fussy so Jaclyn came in and fed him. I went and talked with Kolby and Jessica until Jaclyn yelled for me. I took Thomas and burped him. I put him in his seat and he passed out. We loaded them up and left.

When we got home Jaclyn has Aeri and I had Thomas. We laid them down and went to go lay down ourselves. I stripped down to my boxers and basketball shorts. Jaclyn got in shorts and a tank top. We crawled into bed and cuddled. I kissed her head and looked down at her and smiled.

J: what?
B: I have such a gorgeous wife.

She smiled and leaned up and kissed me. I smiled and pulled her in closer.

A few hours later

I woke up and Jaclyn wasn't in bed. I got up and put a cut off on and went to check on the kids. Aeri wasn't in here room and neither was Thomas. I went downstairs and didn't see them. I looked outside and saw Jaclyn holding Thomas while she pushed Aeri on the swing. Then she went and laid Thomas down in his bouncy seat. She kept pushing Aeri. I smiled and went outside. Jaclyn heard me and looked my way. She smiled and kept pushing Aeri. I went over to where Thomas was. He was passed out cold. I went over to where Jaclyn and Aeri were. Aeri got down and ran to me. I picked her up and she wrapped her arms around my neck. I rubbed her back and grabbed Jaclyn with my other arm and pulled her in. I kissed the top of her head and looked down at Thomas he was now awake. Jaclyn picked him up and we just stood there. I love moments like this.

B: hey babe.
J: yeah
B: we should get family pictures done.
J: I agree.

We were outside for a little longer then went in. We ordered pizza and watched a movie.

After the kids fell asleep we went and laid them down. We started getting ready for bed. I handed Jaclyn her meds. She took them and slipped in the shower.

I changed and laid down in bed. Jaclyn came out in her towel and went to the closet. She came out in one of my hoodies with a sports bra and underwear on. I smiled and pulled her close to me.

B: I love you so much.
J: I love you too babe.

She put her hands on my face and kissed me. I leaned back and laid down on the bed. She straddled me and never stopped our kiss. We made out for awhile and went to sleep.

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