Chapter 69

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Brantley's POV:

I was at the studio when my phone went off. It was Kolby so I answered it.

B: Hey man
K: (sniffles)
B: Hey. What's wrong?
K: I need you to come to the hospital.
B: okay. Where ya at?

While talking to him I got my stuff and left. I hung up and sped to the hospital while I called Jaclyn.

B: Hey I'm on my way to the hospital. Kolby is there.
J: Oh my gosh why?
B: I think it's Jess but I don't know. He was crying too much.
J: Well keep me updated.
B: I will. Love you
J: Love you too

I hung up and walked into the hospital. I found Kolby sitting in the waiting room. He was sitting with his head on his hands staring at the floor. I nudged him. He noticed me and stood up. He wrapped his arms around me and started crying. I embraced him in a hug and held him.

B: Man what's going on?
K: It's Jess. She didn't feel good this morning so we came in to get her checked out. Her BP was high and when they were prepping her for surgery she started to stroke out.
B: Oh my God man.
K: No one has any updates so I don't even know if my wife or child are alive.
B: Sit down. I'll be right back

He sat down and I went to the nurses station.

B: Hi. I was wondering if there was any updates on Jessica Gilbert?
N: What is your relationship to her?
B: She's my sister.
N: Okay. Wait.. aren't you?
B: Yes. Now I would like an update on her so I can tell her husband who is about to have a coronary in the waiting room because no one has updated him about his wife or his baby.
N: Yes. She is almost done with surgery and the baby is in NICU being evaluated. The doctor should be out within 20 minutes.
B: Thanks darlin.

I walked back over to where Kolby was and sat down next to him.

B: So Jess is almost done with surgery. The doctor should be out within the next 20 or so minutes. The baby is in NICU being checked out.
K: How
B: I've got my ways

He chuckled and shook his head. We sat there and waited for the doctor come out. When he came out he sat down in front of us.

Doc: so Jessica is okay. She didn't completely stroke out. She started but we got medicated in her before it could continue. The baby is fine also. She is in NICU right now.

Kolby just nodded.

B: thank you.

The doc nodded and left.

B: hey. Go check on Jess. I'll go check on the baby.
K: okay.

He left and went to Jessica's room. I left and went to the nicu. I got up there and they were changing her diaper.

Nurse: hi. Are you dad?
B: no. Uncle. Dad is with mom.
Nurse: okay

They finished changing her and handed her to me. I held her while they fixed her wires and IVs. I held her and kind of rocked her until they were done. I laid her down in her bed and sat in a chair next to her. About 20 minutes later Kolby came in.

K: how is she?
B: she's fine.
K: why does she have all these wires?
B: because she's early. It's normal. They did it with all my kids because all of them were early.

He just nodded and looked at her.

B: hold her.

I picked her up and handed her to him. He held her while I fixed her wires. He held her in his arms and started to cry again. I wrapped him in a hug while he cried some. I get it. It's emotional to see and hold your first child and every child born. This one was more traumatic so I get it.

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